Updating Dashboard Selection

Updating Dashboard Selection

FTM technicians who are assigned to a work order and update the trade can also change the Issue List by updating the Dashboard selection. In doing so, technicians can update the Area, Problem Type, Asset, and Problem for a work order. This ultimately impacts the type of service needed, which influences a work order in multiple ways. For instance, changes made from the Issue List could impact the priority of a work order.

⦿ How to Change the Dashboard Selection
  1. Tap the Details tab to edit the work order.
  2. Tap the Pencil icon to edit the Trade.
  3. Make the Trade selection, and Save the changes.
    A new modal appears to change the Dashboard selection.
    1. Change the Area
    2. Change the Problem Type
    3. Change the Asset Type
    4. Change the Problem Code
  4. Click the Save button after updating the selections.

If you do not need to change the Dashboard selection after updating the Trade, click the Cancel button to finalize the work order change. 

Please contact your CSM Representative to enable this feature.