Benchmarking - Primary Trade Dashboard

Benchmarking - Primary Trade Dashboard

The Benchmarking - Primary Trade Dashboard compares you to your peers at the primary trade level. There are 16 common repair and maintenance trades to choose from and you can compare four at a time. If you do not choose any specific trades in your filter choices, the top four trades based on annual spend will be displayed. If there are less than 5 peers in your filtered data set, you will see the message too few peers.

The visualizations in this report are:

This data is updated on the 2nd Sunday of each month. You can download the data for each visualization and email reports to recipients.

Data Visualization


Metrics used in this section are based off the invoice date from the last rolling 12 months.


Should you have less than 12 months of data, this visualization will not be an "apples-to-apples" comparison when viewed against peers.

Average Annual Spend per Trade

Shows how your average annual spend per location in top 4 primary trades compares to your peer group. Easily see where your spend is higher than the upper quartile and determine if adjustments need to be made for spend in certain trades.


The average annual spend determines the order in which the trades will be displayed in the subsequent looks regardless if the data is higher or lower in rank.

Average Invoice Amount

Shows how your average invoice amount in the top 4 primary trades compares to your peer group. Determine if you are regularly being charged too much in a certain trade.

Maintenance Spend Percentage

Shows how your maintenance spend percentage in the top 4 primary trades compares to your peer group. Are you spending more than others on preventative maintenance? And does it match with predicted spend for these trades?

Repair Spend Percentage

Shows how your repair spend percentage in the top 4 primary trades compares to your peer group. 


Maintenance and Repair spend do not include CAPEX amounts.

Workorder Volume

Metrics used in this section are based off the call date from the last rolling 12 months.

Annual Work Orders per Location

Shows how your annual work orders per location in the top 4 primary trades compares to your peer group and is based on the invoice posted date from the last rolling 12 months. Easily check the ratio between the amount of work orders vs the spend amount in a specific trade. Do you have a lot of spend, but not a lot of work orders in that trade? Here is a chance to tackle that with real data!

Percent of Work Orders with Accepted Proposals

Shows how your percent of work orders with accepted proposals in the top 4 primary trades compares to your peer group. If you have a high percentage, it might mean you don't have your NTE set at the right amount. If it's too low, you could be regularly overcharged due to too high of an NTE amount.


The accepted proposal percentage is calculated by dividing the number of repair work orders with proposals by the total number of repair work orders.


Time metrics used in this section are based off the call date from the last rolling 12 months.

Median Work Order Resolution Time

Shows how your median resolution time in days in the top 4 primary trades compares to your peer group. Ascertain how quickly your providers are completing work orders at the trade level in comparison to other people's providers. This is one more way you can measure the efficiency of your providers!


Work order resolution time is calculated as the median minutes difference between the call date and completion date.

Median Time Waiting for Parts

Shows how your median time waiting for parts in the top 4 primary trades compares to your peer group. Work orders that actually move into the waiting for parts status are shown here. This is a way you can determine if the supplier your provider is using is as efficient as they can be now that you can compare them across the industry. If they aren't, here is a solid talking point for you and your provider.


Median waiting for parts time is calculated by the SUM of minutes difference from any PARTS related status to the next status.

Median Time for Proposal Submission

Shows how your median proposal submission time (in days) in the top 4 primary trades compares to your peer group. See how responsive your providers are in getting proposals in and ultimately completing work orders faster.


Median proposal submission time is calculated by the difference between WAITING FOR QUOTE and WAITING FOR APPROVAL status.