Accepting Work Orders in SC Provider

Accepting Work Orders in SC Provider

You should first accept work orders in SC Provider to start managing them.

What Work Orders Can I Accept?

You can accept work orders assigned to you, to your Internal Tech Group, and to external providers.

Assigned tab in SC Provider shows work orders assigned to you

Internal tab in SC Provider shows work orders assigned to your Internal Tech Group

External tab in SC Provider shows work orders assigned to external providers


On the Assigned (#) tab, you can accept work orders assigned to you.


On the Internal tab, you can accept work orders assigned to another technician. As long as a work order is not in the Completed status, you can accept such a work order.


On the External tab, you can accept a work order assigned to an external provider. As long as it is in the Open or In Progress status, you can take on this work order.

Your ability to view and accept external work orders is controlled by an add-on feature. Contact ServiceChannel to get this feature enabled.

Unaccepted work order

While a work order is not accepted by you, you will have the following action options in the work order list view.

Accepted work order

Once you have accepted a work order, the More button updates showing additional action options — based on the features and permissions enabled for you by your administrator.

Action options for unaccepted work orders

Action options available for accepted work orders

Accepting a Work Order Assigned to You

⦿ How to Accept a Work Order Assigned to You

If the scheduled date of a work order has already passed, remember to update the scheduled date and time from the work order editing screen to reflect the correct data.

Accepting an assigned work order

  1. Locate the desired work order under the Assigned (#) tab.
  2. Tap the Accept button.

The work order view updates displaying the options for you to check in (Log Time) and take action on the work order.

Action options available for accepted work orders

Accepting a Work Order Assigned to Your Internal Tech Group

⦿ How to Accept an Internal Work Order

Accepting an internal work order

  1. Switch to the Internal tab. The list of all work orders assigned to your FTM Internal Group appears.
  2. Locate the desired work order, and then tap Accept. 

The accepted work order moves to the Assigned (#) tab and displays the options for you to check in and take action on the work order.

Action options available for accepted work orders

  • If the scheduled date of a work order has already passed, remember to update the scheduled date and time from the work order editing screen to reflect the correct data.
  • You can accept an internal work order assigned to another technician even if this technician has already arrived on site and started logging work time against this work order. Thus, several technicians may work on the same service request — while being logged in to SC Provider from different devices.

Accepting an External Work Order

⦿ How to Accept a Work Order Assigned to an External Provider

Accepting an external work order

  1. Locate the desired work order under the External tab.
  2. Tap the Accept button.

The accepted work order moves to the Assigned (#) tab and displays the options for you to check in and take action on the work order.

Action options available for accepted work orders

  • After you have accepted an external work order, its scheduled date automatically updates based on the work order priority. So you are given the exact amount of time to arrive on site as when the work order was originally submitted to the external provider. 
  • The external provider will receive a cancelation email.