Checking In and Out of Work Orders Using SC Provider

Checking In and Out of Work Orders Using SC Provider

Keeping check-in and check-out records is essential both for providers and their clients. It allows both sides to keep track of the time that technicians spent on-site and is used for correct time tracking and invoicing.

ServiceChannel Provider is a highly configurable application that provides several features to company designated administrators to determine:

  • Whether or not a tech account will be required to check into a specific site;

  • Whether or not a tech badge is required at check in;

  • If there is an associated checklist to a work order;

  • If an attachment, in the form of an image, is required upon work order completion;

  • The acceptable geographical boundary for checking into a work order;

  • The acceptable time frame when a tech can check into a work order; and

  • What completion statuses are available for selection.

Site Access

Some clients enable Site Access rules for their locations. Site Access is a feature of Service Automation, where clients can create a set of rules that govern how, when and where service provider techs can access their facilities. See Site Access for more information.

Technician Types

Two different types of techs use ServiceChannel Provider, Internal Techs and External Techs. Internal Techs are employees of the client and generally have access to more features of ServiceChannel Provider. External Techs are not direct employees of the client. Rather they generally work for service providers and may have a number of clients who use ServiceChannel’s platform to manage facility related work orders.  

Internal techs have a Tech account established for them by their administrators and use a username/password combination to log into ServiceChannel Provider. External techs do not necessarily have tech accounts established for them. They can use a company issues pin code to log into SC Provider. External techs can also have tech accounts set up for them buy their administrators. The latter provides access to more of SC Providers functionality. Some clients require that any tech servicing their facilities must have a tech account, complete with a self-portrait.  Knowing your client’s requirements will aid administrators/dispatchers in ensuring that their techs have the appropriate account type and that the necessary notifications have been enabled.

Checking In and Out of a Work Order

The check in and check out process can vary depending on how the client has configured the process. The client has the ability to dictate a variety of requirements for both checking in and out of work orders. The Provider’s administrator or dispatcher should be aware of the client’s requirements and prepare their technicians for the variations that may arise.

Please, contact your ServiceChannel representative should you need to change the decimal point (.) to decimal comma (,) on non-monetary amounts, such as: 

  • Hours and Duration 
  • Quantity Amounts 
  • Weight. 

Standard Check-In

The standard check-in process requires the technician to tap the Log Time button (FTM Techs) or Check In button (External Techs). this action begins the work order clock.

Three different types of log-in screens on the mobile app.

Badge Check Required Check-In

Techs that service clients who have Site Access rules enabled may be required to display their electronic badge as part of the check-in process. If the badge scan is required, once the tech taps check in, they will be prompted to locate the designated location staff member to have their badge scanned. the work order clock will only start after they have had their badge scanned.

Checking in with the Badge Scan Required option

Geo-Location Check-In

Generally, techs must be within a specific geographical boundary before ServiceChannel Provider will allow them to check into a work order. By default, the maximum allowable distance is .25 miles away from the location. Clients who have the corresponding Site Access rule enabled have the option to modify the acceptable distance to one that makes sense for their individual locations. if a tech attempts to check into a work order outside of the acceptable geographical boundary, they will be alerted.

GPS Location for a work order on the mobile app.

Non-Compliant Check-in

Your client might have rules turned on that track check-in compliance. When this is turned on, if you are not within the geolocation defined by the client, a window will pop up alerting you to a non-compliant check-in. You will still be able to check-in, but your time will be logged as non-compliant and it will show up on invoicing as well. You will see the same messaging during check out as well if you are still not within the geolocation.

Check-Out Variations

Standard Check-Out

Most check-outs are standard, meaning that the tech: 

  • stops the work order clock;

  • responds to checklist questions, if there are any;

  • selects a status for the work order;

  • selects resolution and root cause codes if they are used for the work order trade;
  • corrects asset worked on, if needed and adds parts used;

  • enters a summary of the issue;

  • collects signature if required; and

  • completes the check out process.

Checking Out with Resolution and Root Cause Codes

If a work order is open for a trade that requires /wiki/spaces/SCUCP/pages/2523693123, the tech will be prompted to select the codes when clocking out of the work order and moving it to the Completed status. If no appropriate resolution code or root cause is listed, the tech can select Add New Resolution Code / Add New Root Cause Code at the bottom of the screen and enter their understanding of the resolution or root cause in the text field that appears. The tech can specify up to three resolution codes and one root cause — either standard or custom.

Checking out with resolution and root cause codes

⦿ How to Add Free Text Resolution Code and Root Cause Code
  1. Click the Add Resolution Code radio button.
  2. Use the free text and type-in the resolution code then click the Next button.

  3. Click the Add New Root Cause Code radio button.
  4. Use the free text and type-in the root cause code then click the Next button.

When, for any reason, a technician cannot enter resolution and root cause codes or selected wrong ones, the codes can be edited in Provider Automation at a later time.

Checking Out with Checklist

If the work order has an attached Checklist, the tech will be alerted to that fact and given the option to view the checklist immediately after check-in or as part of the check out process. If the questions on the checklist have been deemed mandatory, the tech will have to complete the checklist requirements in order to check out of the work order. 

Checking out with a checklist

Note: Checklist can require that an image be included, therefore techs will have to give SC Provider permission to access their device’s camera and image storage folder.

Checking Out with All Checked-In Technicians Toggle

Some work orders require more than one tech to be on-site to service a work order. Each tech must check in on a separate device. When the first tech checks out of the work order, they will have the option to just check themselves out or check out all of the techs who are checked into that work order.

  • To check yourself out, make sure the Check Out All Checked-In Technicians toggle is turned off.
  • To check out all of the techs who are checked in, turn on the Check Out All Checked-In Technicians toggle. If all techs are checked out by the lead tech, then the remaining techs do not need to check out.

Checking out with all checked-in technicians

Checking Out with Signature Required

Some clients require that a signature from a staff member at the service location sign upon completion of a work order. Techs will be prompted from within SC provider to obtain a signature. If required, the tech will not be able to close the work order without a signature. If a signature cannot be added, a reason must be given as to why. 

Required Electronic SignatureReason for not adding a signature

Checking Out with Follow Up Toggle (Field Tech Manager only)

This feature is only available for providers who are "internal providers" working as employees for their clients using Field Tech Manager.

When an internal technician that is configured as a Field Tech Manager provider checks out of a work order, they must select from one of the available statuses. The statuses inform the client of the level of completion of the work order. In general, if the tech selects one of the “completed” statuses they proceed to the next step in the check out process. However, if the Check Out Follow Up toggle has been enabled then if the tech does not select one of the “completed” statuses then they will be required to respond to additional questions as to why the work order was not completed and when they are scheduled to return to complete the work order.

Checking out with the Follow-Up toggle enabled