Modifying Dashboard Selection

Modifying Dashboard Selection

As part of changing the Trade, the option to update the Dashboard offers an additional opportunity to create the correct work order for your service provider. This ensures when changes are made, the right Dashboard is chosen which displays the Issue List needed for updating the work order.

⦿ How to Change the Dashboard Selection
  1. Save the changes made on the Trade selection.
  2. A new modal appears to change the Dashboard. 
    Modifying Dashboard after trade update
    1. Change the Area
    2. Change the Problem Type
    3. Change the Asset Type
    4. Change the Problem Code
  3. Add a Problem Description by updating the textbox
  4. Click the Save button to update the work order.

If you do not need to change the Dashboard after updating the Trade, click the Cancel button to finalize the work order change. 

Please contact your CSM Representative to enable this feature.