Depending on your permissions, you may reassign a work order to a different service provider. For example, when the original service provider cannot make the estimated time of arrival (ETA), or when the provider does not service the trade, you can select an alternative service provider assigned to the same location and trade. While reassigning a work order, it is required to also select why you are reassigning it.

After you reassign a work order, the new service provider receives the service request email and the original service provider receives a cancellation email.

It is also possible to set a work order to automatically reassign to the next ranked provider. See Automatically Reassigning Work Orders after Maximum Reschedules, below, for more information.

Reassigning a Work Order to a Service Provider Already Assigned to the Trade and Location

You may reassign a work order to a service provider already assigned to the corresponding trade and location from:

The Reassign window displays a summary of the work history of the originally assigned service provider for the location, including the number of work orders in the open and in progress statuses, as well as the number of work orders with open RFPs or proposals. Clicking the View Work History link opens the Work Orders page listing all work orders for the same trade/location assigned to the service provider. This helps identify if there are open work orders for the same problem and whether the problem is recurring, helping you determine whether a piece of equipment needs to be replaced.

Reassign window

⦿ How to Reassign a Work Order from the Details View
  1. Navigate to the details page of the desired work order, and click Reassign # at the bottom of the page. The Reassign overlay appears on top of the work order detailed view.
  2. (Optional) Modify the scheduled date and time.
  3. Select the appropriate Reason for Reassignment.

    Reason for Reassignment is a required field.

    You can now customize your reassignment reasons that suit your business needs. Speak to your ServiceChannel Representative.

    Please do be aware that once you retire a reassignment reason, it will show up in the history of a work order, but it will no longer be a selectable option.

  4. (Optional) Enter a Note describing the reason for the reassignment.
  5. (Optional) Modify the Problem Description:

     Expand this section to view how to edit the problem description

    1. Click the Edit button next to Problem Description. The overlay for updating the problem description opens.

    Overlay where you can edit the WO problem description2. Select the Dashboard, Area, Problem Type, Asset Type, Problem Code, as desired.
    3. Enter the new Problem Description, and click Save.

  6. (Optional) Update the Label, CategoryPriority, Trade, NTE, or Purchase Order Number.
  7. (Optional) Check Yes, This is a Recall from Tracking #, and enter the tracking number in the box that appearsThe NTE amount updates to zero.
    Marking a WO as a recall in the overlay for editing the WO
  8. (Optional) Update the GL Code.
  9. Select the New Provider. In case you’ve selected a service provider from the tooltip that appears when you click the arrow next to the Reassign # button on the work order details page, the provider name is already filled out in the Select New Provider field. The email of the selected provider appears in the Request will be sent to and Send a copy to fields.

    Providers that are grayed out in the Select New Provider drop-down list cannot be selected. These providers are flagged as “Do Not Dispatch” in Compliance Manager and cannot be assigned new work orders. Learn more about Managing “Do Not Dispatch” Providers.
    Do Not Dispatch providers on list of providers in the overlay for reassigning a WO

  10. (Optional) Enter the desired email(s) in the Request will be sent to and Send a copy to fields.

    Use ; or , to separate multiple email addresses.

  11. When ready, click Reassign this Work Order. A confirmation message appears at the top of the screen, noting that the work order was reassigned to the new provider. A note gets added to the work order with the details of the reassignment.

Once you’ve reassigned a work order, the new service provider receives the service request email and the original service provider gets a cancellation email.

Assigning a New Service Provider to a Trade/Location Associated with a Work Order

Power users may assign a new service provider to the trade and location associated with a work order. This is especially useful when no alternate service providers are available to reassign a work order.