

QuickView automatically displays the results of any saved work order report or proposal report. This is beneficial for you to view your most critical work orders and proposals, at a glance. Knowing this information may help you take action on problems or to-do tasks faster.

QuickView reports automatically refresh every 15 minutes, but you may manually refresh the report to see the latest information.

Watch the short video to learn more about QuickView

You can only access the QuickView reports that you save under your user ID. Your QuickView reports are not visible to other users.

⦿ How to Access QuickView
  1. On the top navigation bar, click the QuickView tab. The QuickView page appears.

You can also access QuickView via the  menu icon > QuickView

Examples of QuickView Reports

You may save and display the information that is most critical to you and your workflow. Here are a few examples that may be helpful:

Examples of QuickView reports for Work Orders are:

  • Completed work orders ready for invoicing by the service provider
  • Work orders with unsatisfactory feedback
  • In-progress work orders in an emergency priority

Examples of QuickView reports for Proposals are:

  • The number of proposals placed on hold
  • The number of proposals approved but not yet scheduled for repairs
  • The number of proposals either open or on hold for emergency repairs

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