Rescheduling and Status Updates

Rescheduling and Status Updates

You may update the scheduled date/time and make status updates to reflect the progress of the work order using the Edit option.

Work Order Fields for Rescheduling and Status Updates

  • Priority: Should you want to change the priority of a work order, based on your need for a different scheduled date and/or time, you may do so, and notify the service provider. However, note that changing the priority after the work order has been created does not automatically change the scheduled date and time; you need to update them.
  • Status: You may change the status, for example, when the service provider missed to check in/out, or to indicate satisfactory/unsatisfactory completion of the work order.
  • Reassign: You may also reassign the work order by selecting Open/Reassign in the Status drop-down list. Selecting this option opens the Reassign <Work Order #> overlay, from where you can complete reassigning the work order. See Reassigning a Work Order to Another Service Provider for more information.
  • Scheduled Date/Time: You may occasionally need the service provider to service your location either earlier or later than indicated in the original work order, for reasons such as completing the work before a weekend rush or temporary closure of a location for renovation. In such a case, yo