Approving Invoices from the List View

Approving Invoices from the List View

Users can view and approve invoices from the work order list view without having to do so from the invoice list view. This supports the ability to review and approve invoices at a faster pace. Configuring multi-level invoices is not required in order for the correct users to approve invoices from the list view but can work in conjunction. When approving an invoice at your level, it is either the final approver or gets elevated to the next level. If you are not the final approver of invoices, after reviewing and approving an invoice, it will indicate the invoice was approved but reviewed. Once an invoice has gone through MLI for final approval, it is indicated on the work order in the list view. When you approve an invoice at your level, the button becomes disable. A level cannot approve an invoice unless the previous level has approved the invoice.

Approving Invoices from the List View

⦿ How to Approve an Invoice from the List View
  1. On the details of a work order in the work order list view, click the Invoice link above the word Invoice to access the Approve link and link to the invoice.
    1. Note: You can view the invoice clicking the invoice link.
  2. After reviewing the invoice, click the Approve link to approve the invoice.
  3. Depending on the level, you will either see REVIEWED or APPROVED next to the proposal link. The word Approve turns from blue to green.
    1. Note: Approving an invoice from the list view appears in the invoice history.