Filtering Work Orders and Saving Filters
Uma Srinivasan (Unlicensed)
Caroline Antoun
Natalia Larina (Unlicensed)
Filters help you find work orders you need to view or take action on. The following options to filter work orders are available:
- Filter By tab located on the left panel of the Work Orders List
- All Filters popup appears when you click the All Filters link
Most of the filters are available in both options, but the All Filters popup has a few additional filters.
You can also save selected filters for later use, select a default filter, as well as clear all filters to show all work orders.
Filter Criteria
You can filter work orders by date, amount, location, trade, category, provider, and other criteria.
Filters available both on the Filter By tab and in the All Filters popup:
- My Saved Filters. Select a saved filter to view matching work orders.
- Date. You may filter work orders by the following date types:
- Call date
- Scheduled date
- Completed date
- Invoice date
- Follow-up date
No Activity
For large businesses and/or corporations with work orders over 500,000 is reduced to 6 months and can use the No Activity on Work Orders under the Standard Dashboard in Analytics for details beyond 6 months for the No Activity filter.
There may be slight discrepancies in the results seen on the work order list view and the No Activity on Work Order Dashboard due to a few factors. For example, Analytics data refreshes hourly whereas the Work Order List View is real-time and Analytics also factors in some invoice updates.
- Range. Use this filter to find work orders for a specific time period. Note that you set the range for the selected Date. The available options are:
- Today
- Past month
- Past three months
- Past year
- Specific date range
Older than, which helps you locate work orders with the date older than the number of days defined in this filter.
The Older Than filter is available for Open and In Progress work orders only.
- With Attachments Only and Without Attachments Only. Select one of these checkboxes to get work orders with or without attachments.
- Starred. Locate work orders that you have marked with a star.
- Exclude 0 NTE. Exclude work orders with a zero NTE amount.
- Select Recalls Only Only view work orders recalls.
- Select ETA Missed Only Only view work orders with missed ETAs.
- No On Site Visits View work orders that did not have an on site visit.
- With Project ID View or exclude work orders that have a project ID.
- With Linked Orders View or exclude work orders that are linked.
- Location filters. Use this option to view work orders filtered by any of the following location detail:
Location ID
You can select multiple location IDs one by one from the dropdown OR paste a list of location IDs copied from an Excel sheet or any other document. Up to 600 IDs can be pasted. Ensure that each location ID in the copied list is placed on a separate line, as shown in the example below:
004- Location Name
- Address
- Region
- District