Creating and Viewing Linked Work Orders
Joseph Yarborough (Unlicensed)
Caroline Antoun
Chellie Esters
Jason Gauntz (Unlicensed)
There may be times when one work order is not sufficient to address an issue at a location. In cases like this, additional work orders are created to completely address the issue. The Linked Work Orders feature makes the creation, managing, and review of multiple work orders easier.
In this Article:
Viewing Linked Work Orders
There are two ways to view linked work orders in the list view. You can click directly on the link on work order or filter for linked work orders.
Accessing Linked Work Orders from the Work Order.
- Click the Link icon to view work orders that have been linked. The linked work orders will appear in a pop up.
- Click on the work order number link in the pop up to view a specific linked work order.
Filtering for Linked Work Orders
You can toggle on the With Linked Work Orders filter to see linked work orders in the list view or exclude linked work orders in the list view.
Creating Linked Work Orders
- Linked Dashboard Service Request Work Flow
- Locate the work order that you want to link to.
- Click More then select Create Linked Dashboard Service Request.
- The New Service Request screen will open.
- Review and if necessary adjust the entries in Area, Problem Type, Asset and Problem to fit the issue you are reporting, then click Next.
- Complete the work order as usual.
- The newly created work order is linked to the original work order.
- Locate the work order that you want to link to.
Navigate to one of the work orders that you want to link, then click Edit Work Order.
Click the text entry box to the right of Linked Work Orders and a pick list will appear.
Check the box next to each work order that you want to link to.
As you check work orders, they will be added to the list.
Click Save to complete the process.
Note: In the example above, the 3 work orders that are being linked are linked to the originating work order. The 3 work orders are not linked to each other.
Linked Classic Service Request Work Flow
- Locate the work order that you want to link to.
- Click More then select Create Linked Classic Service Request. The Classic Service Request screen will open.
- Review and if necessary adjust the entries, then click Next.