Adding Attachments from the List View

Adding Attachments from the List View

You can quickly add Attachments on a work order through the List View. Once you add Attachments, you will see the number of attachments right on the button; mouseover the button to view and access files.


⦿ How to Add a Single Attachment
  1. On the desired work order on the list view, click Attachments. The work order's Detail View appears.
  2. On the bottom-left of the page, click Add Attachment. The Upload Attachment popup modal opens.
  3. Click Browse a file, browse to the location of the desired file, and then click Choose

    The total upload size limit is 50MB.

  4. Enter a brief description of the attachment.
  5. Click Upload. The new attachment displays in the left section under the Attachments & Notes tab, and the number of attachments updates on the work order list view.

    You may add up to 5 files to a work order at a time.

    • For files within the same folder, hold the Control key (PC) or the Command key (Mac) to select up to 5 files at a time.
    • For files inside of different folders, repeat the above steps.

See Adding Notes and Attachments to learn more about adding multiple attachments and deleting attachments.