Creating an Invoice
Chellie Esters
Anastasia Medovkina (Deactivated)
Service Providers have access to the Invoices module in Service Automation. Should your facilities team need to create an invoice, follow the steps below.
An invoice can be created once a work order is in either the Completed or Completed/Confirmed status. An invoice cannot be submitted for more than its not-to-exceed (NTE) amount.
The Create Invoice button is located on the bottom of each work order that is ready to be invoiced.
Invoice Requirements and Considerations
- In Invoices Admin, you can determine whether providers are required to create either a Standard Invoice or a Line Item Invoice, as well as a description of the completed work.
- Invoices have a unique invoice number; You are not able to save the invoice without this information.
- Once an invoice is submitted, it cannot be edited. Should an invoice need to be reissued, it must be voided while the invoice is in the Open invoice status. Once any action is taken, the invoice must be rejected on the client side.
- You can add attachments to invoices once it is created. See Adding Attachments to Invoices, below, for more information.
Should you need to change the decimal point (.) to decimal comma (,) on monetary amounts, contact your ServiceChannel representative.
Creating a Standard Invoice
A Standard Invoice reflects labor, travel, material, and freight charges. It does not, however, break down labor and material costs.
- On the desired work order, click Create Invoice.
Enter a unique Invoice Number.
When creating invoices, you and your provider can reuse invoice numbers associated with Rejected invoices.
Contact your ServiceChannel manager to enable the feature.
(Optional) Click the calendar icon to change the invoice date.
The invoice date cannot be earlier than the work order completed date.
Click Confirm.
To edit the invoice number or date, click the required field in the upper left corner of the Invoice page.
- Select the correct remit-to address.
- Enter a complete Description for the work done.
Enter the amounts for Labor, Travel, Material, and Freight, if necessary.
If your company operates in a VAT-taxable country, you can decide which line items should be taxable and which should not. You also can mark the entire charges group as non-taxable. Thus, when you enter the tax percentage, ServiceChannel automatically counts taxes only from taxable groups and items.
Contact your ServiceChannel representative to start using this function.
Expand the section to read how non-taxable items work.If some material charges do not have a VAT tax, you can select the checkboxes next to the line items with these materials to mark their cost as Non-Taxable in the Material tab. Note that the tax amount will be counted from materials items you have not marked as Non-Taxable.
You also can mark the entire Material Group section as non-taxable on the Summary tab.
If the Material and Travel Group sections are non-taxable, the % tax amount will be counted only from the items entered in the Labor Group.
- Select a category from the Other drop-down menu and enter the amount, if necessary.
- Enter the Tax, either the percentage or the monetary amount, if applicable.
- Click Send Invoice. The invoice is created, and the Invoices List appears.
Creating a Line Item Invoice
Line item invoices itemize labor, travel, material, other, and freight costs, either for all work orders or for work orders of specific trades and categories. This can be determined in Invoices Administration.
Contact your ServiceChannel manager to itemize Travel, Other, and Freight charges.
On the Summary tab will show a total for labor and material costs. In other words, users cannot enter a total on the Summary tab when line item invoicing is enabled.
Line items are required for labor and material charges
Line items are not required for any charges
On the Work Orders List, find the desired work order, and click Create Invoice. The page for creating an invoice appears with the Create Invoice overlay opened.
In the window, enter a unique invoice number, change the invoice date if required, and click Confirm. The page for providing further invoice details is displayed.
When creating invoices, you and your provider can reuse invoice numbers associated with Rejected invoices.
Contact your ServiceChannel manager to enable the feature.
You can change the invoice number and date in the top left corner of the page for creating an invoice. Keep in mind that the invoice date cannot be earlier than the completed date of the work order.
- (Optional) Select another remit-to address under the column with your company info.
- On the Summary tab, provide the following details:
- Complete description of the performed work
- Total amount of labor, travel, material, freight, and other charges if you see a text field by their name
Depending on your configuration, itemize the labor, material, or other charges. The costs you need to break down appear as links on the Summary tab. Navigate between the tabs below to check how to break down each cost type.
- Switch to the Summary tab, and enter the tax amount or tax percentage under the invoice subtotal.
- Review the provided charges, tax, and invoice total. If the invoice information is correct, click Send Invoice at the bottom of the page.
Your line item invoice is submitted to your client, and you get to the Invoices List.
Adding Attachments to Invoices
After an invoice is created, you can add attachments to it.
- In the middle of the invoice summary page, click the Attachments tab. The list of current attachments appears.
- Click Upload File. The Upload Attachment overlay appears.
- Click Browse a file and select the applicable file.
- Enter a description of the attachment.
- Click Upload. The attachment is added to the list.
You can attach digital copies of the provider’s original invoice. Contact your ServiceChannel manager to mark attachments as digital invoice copies.