Reassigning Work Orders in Bulk from the List View
Lamont Eddins
Jason Gauntz (Unlicensed)
Chellie Esters
Reassigning Work Orders in Bulk allows you to select multiple work orders and reassign to a different service provider from the work order list view. Users can either select works orders in bulk for a single location and trade for reassignment to another service provider or select work orders in bulk for reassignment across various locations, providers, and trades. Reassigning work orders in bulk is used for the same reason why a single work order is reassigned. Depending on your permissions, reassigning work orders in bulk can be done either in Service Automation or by using an Excel template.
Reassigning Work Orders in Bulk
Users with the Power User secondary role can reassign work orders in bulk to a different service provider for the same location and trade.
Contact your SC representative for more information about power users reassigning bulk work orders from the list view.
To reassign work orders across different trades and/or locations, a user with the Admin role must use a template to reassign work orders. See Using an Excel Template to Reassign Work Orders in Bulk, below.
On the Work Order List page, click the checkbox to the left of the problem code and select which work orders are destined for bulk reassignment.
Use the filters and select specific trade and location to ensure bulk reassignment will process.
- On the row of buttons that appears on the bottom of the screen, click the Reassign button to begin the process of reassignment where the Reassign WO Batch screen appears.
- Select a Schedule Date for the reassignment bulk work orders by clicking inside the textbox.
- Select a Schedule Time for the reassignment bulk work orders by clicking inside the textbox.
- Select a Reason for Reassignment by using the drop-down arrow to the right of the textbox.
- Add a Note by typing in the textbox.
- Use the drop-down arrow to select a Category for the reassignment bulk work orders.
- Use the drop down arrow to select a Priority for the reassignment bulk work orders.
- Enter a new NTE in the textbox for the reassignment bulk work orders.
- Enter a Purchase Number in the textbox for the reassignment bulk work orders.
- Use the Drop-down arrow to select a new provider for the reassignment bulk work orders.
- Click the Reassign button to submit the request.
Using an Excel Template to Reassign Work Orders in Bulk
Users with the Admin User secondary role can reassign work orders in bulk across multiple locations, providers, and trades by using an Excel template to reassign them to providers. With this template, you can update each work order with relevant information such as new locations, providers, and/or trades for reassignment. You are given full control over the directions of bulk work orders being reassigned.
- On the Work Order List page, click the checkbox to the left of the problem code and select which work orders are destined for bulk reassignment.
A new window called Work Order Reassign Provider appears. You will see two different buttons. Click the Download Reassign Template button on the left hand side to download the template.
There are instructions on how to reassign work orders in bulk below the buttons.
- Open the template to update the bulk work orders for reassignment, an Excel file, after download completion.
- Update the template by adding the Service Provider ID for each work order. Save the template for uploading into Service Automation for bulk reassignment.
Click the Upload Template button to add the template into Service Automation for bulk reassignment.
By accident, if you selected the wrong file, click the x icon to the left of the words remove file. Once the file is removed, repeat step 5 to add the correct template.
- Click the Process Reassignment button to submit the template for reassignment.
A new window called Work Order Reassign Provider appears with a message stating the template has been added and reassignment processed is successfully completed.
Before closing out the message, you can click the template link within the message to see the new reassignment of bulk work orders.
The selected bulk work orders for reassignment will reflect with those changes in the Work Order List View.
Before closing the message, you can download the results by clicking the link.