Viewing and Downloading Excessive Calls

Viewing and Downloading Excessive Calls

When locations enter multiple repair requests for the same trade within a 30-day time period, Service Automation flags the associated work orders as Excessive Calls. Knowing this information can help your facilities team research the root cause: Location Users may require additional training, the issue list may need an update, an asset may need to be replaced, or any other matter.

When gone unnoticed or unaddressed, excessive calls typically result in accrued trip charges and other fees charged by the provider, which has a direct impact on your repair and maintenance spend.

You can view a Locations/Trade matrix of excessive calls within Service Automation, as well as receive a daily summary e-mail listing this matrix.

Accessing and Using Excessive Calls from the Work Order List View

⦿ How to access and use Excessive Calls from the List View
  1. On the top navigation bar, click Work Orders. The Work Orders List View appears.
  2. On the top-left of the list, click Additional WO Views > Excessive Calls. The Excessive Calls modal appears.
  3. In the Select at Least # Calls textbox, enter a number that corresponds to the minimum number of work orders you would consider excessive.
  4. Click OK. The list of Locations and Trades with Excessive Calls appear.
    • Click the breadcrumbs along the top of the list to navigate between the Excessive Calls list, Locations, and Trades.
    • Click the number in blue to change the minimum number of calls.

Use the filters to refine the data in this list; for example, to hone in on specific categories, or to separate work orders assigned to internal technicians versus third-party service providers.