Creating a Single Project

Creating a Single Project

Various locations may have different circumstances when it comes to handling a project. Being able to create a project from scratch gives you control on how to handle each project.

A Project is a container that helps you manage project tasks and costs. There are two ways to create a single project:

  1. Manually create a project for a single location by typing and filling in information.
  2. Using pre-designed templates.
  3. Create single projects in bulk.   

The outcome of using both methods will add the project successfully in order to manage a project. If a single project is required for multiple locations, you can create a Multi-Program

Creating a Single Project

Before You Create a New Project

There are two things you need before creating a project:

  1. Project Managers assigned to the module. You have to assign a Project Manager while creating the project. Users assigned the Project Manager secondary role will appear as Project Managers when the time comes to associate one with a project.
  2. Budgets configured in the module. You can create a project that is assigned to a budget, however, you have to create that Budget in the Budgets Tab in order to select it while creating a new project. If you are not ready to create a budget yet, you can create an unbudgeted project first, and then edit the project later to include a budget.

    Projects without a Budget attached can be submitted for approval.

Creating a Single Project

Once a project is submitted, the project lifecycle status is New. See Project Lifecycle Statuses below for more information. 

⦿ How to Create a Single Project
  1. Click the +New Project button on the upper right hand side to enter Create Project page. 
  2. Create a name for Project Name
  3. Select the Location ID with the drop-down arrow or type-in search feature to add the project's location. 
  4. Provide a Description with details related to the project.
  5. Select a Priority importance with using the drop-down arrow or type-in search feature the priority.  
  6. Add Dates for project duration:
    1. Start date for when the project will start.
    2. End date for when the project will end.
  7. Select Unbudgeted or Budget by using the drop-down arrow.
    1. (Selecting Budget) Choose a budget as configured under the Creating and Modifying Budgets by using the drop-down arrow or type-in search feature for the budget name.
  8. Select a Project Category by using the drop-down arrow or type-in search feature to add a project category. 
  9. Select a Project Type for the type of work being completed for the project by using the drop-down arrow or type-in search feature to add a project type.
  10. Provide an Original Estimated Cost as to how much you believe the project will cost.
  11. Select a Project Manager to over see the project by using the drop-down arrow or type-in search for the project manager's name.  
  12. (Optional) Add any necessary files for the project. 
  13. Click the Create Project button. The project is added under the Projects Tab

Creating Single Projects in Bulk

There may be a need to create multiple single projects at once and using the Bulk Project feature which allows up to 2,500 single projects to be created by bulk. You can decide on whether you want to create up to 2,500 of the same projects for a single location or create different types of projects for a single location, the bulk feature offers the ability to create those types of projects. 

⦿ How to Create Projects in Bulk
  1. On the Projects Tab, under Bulk Creation, use the Download drop-down to download the Bulk Projects spreadsheet.
    Download bulk project spreadsheet 
  2. Fill out the spreadsheet with at least the required information and save the spreadsheet. 
  3. Under Bulk Creation, use the Upload down-down and select Bulk Project to open the modal. 
    Upload Bulk Projects Spreadsheet
  4. Add the save spreadsheet into the modal.
    Add Bulk Projects into modal
  5. Click the Save button to add the spreadsheet.
  6. Optional: You can view the Batch History.
    Bulk Projects Batch History 

Updating a Failed Bulk Projects Template

When a template has been uploaded and was deemed as invalid, you will receive a new template with the word “error” as part of the original file name. When opened, you can review the reason why a specific line was not successful. Corrections can be made on the error template and used for re-uploading.

⦿ How to Resubmit a Bulk Project Template
  1. Open the error template to discover the issue. 
  2. Make the necessary changes and save the file.
  3. Under Bulk Creation, use the Upload drop-down and select Bulk Project to upload the spreadsheet.

  4. Click the X icon to clear the previous template from the modal.

  5. Select or drag the spreadsheet into the modal.
  6. Click the Save button to add the projects.

Project Lifecycle Statuses

An individual project will go through a Project Lifecycle from New to Completed Status. Each status indicates where in the lifecycle a particular project is in. 

  1. New: Once a project has been entered.
  2. Scoping in Progress: RFP task is added.
  3. Has Scope: Work Order task is added and/or Proposal is accepted.
  4. Approval Cycle: Depending on amount, it will receive approval from appropriate levels.  
  5. Approved: Project has been approved.
  6. In Progress: Project started and WOs and RFPs are ready to be issued.
  7. Completed: Project is finalized. 

You can cancel a project at any time during the project lifecycle. 

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