Nov 21, 2019 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Nov 21, 2019 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Features and improvements


Admin. In the user limit settings, it’s now abundantly clear that the default NTE, proposal, and invoice amount is zero. Previously, we showed a confusing “No Limit” hint for each option, and you may have thought that there were no limits at all.

Admin. Should you filter locations by provider in the Locations & Provider Assignments section, note that their company names are now listed alphabetically. Find the one you need in a jiffy!

Admin. We’ve numbered all your location note headers (LNHs) stored in Admin > Location Settings. It’s now easier to reshuffle LNHs, especially when the list is long.

Work Orders. After you edited a WO problem description and selected another dashboard, the dashboard name wasn’t saved for this WO. This issue is fixed. For your convenience, we’ve also added the current dashboard name to the overlay for editing a problem description.

Work Orders. Here’s a hint for those who are tired of expanding the Problem Description section on the WO details page. Right on the WOs list, click a WO status or description, and the details page will appear with the desired info in plain sight.

Work Orders. On the left panel of the WOs list, you now have more filtering options close at hand, including Select Recalls Only, Select ETA Missed Only, and more. Nothing new — just filters from the All Filters overlay.

Work Orders. Glad tidings for those who find filtering WOs rather time-consuming. On the Filter By tab of the WOs list, you can now filter your service requests the same way as you do via the All Filters overlay — first you select all desired options, and then you apply them all at once. To get the feature, touch base with ServiceChannel.


Bug fixes


Admin. When on the Locations page you selected a location and scrolled the page down, sometimes the list of location notes in the lower-right corner was cut off — you couldn’t see the notes by any means.

Asset Manager. Previously, your custom attributes were misarranged in the Excel report on assets. Now custom attributes follow the same sequence as on the asset type details page. Thus, order triumphed over chaos.

Compliance Manager. The signature of custom messages that you sent to your providers from the Contractors tab contained the incorrect sender name. Instead of the name of the employee who actually created the message, providers saw the subscriber primary contact. This issue caused perplexity since providers kept contacting the incorrect person.

Compliance Manager. Those of you who don’t use our Payment Manager were confused to find the verification for payment as an available option in the Basic Requirements section. This requirement no longer appears there unless you have Payment Manager enabled.

Dashboard. There was an issue with creating a linked dashboard service request. An obscure error message appeared once some of you got to your dashboard. The error stated that the length — Chuck Norris only knew the length of what — couldn’t be less than zero.

General. The alerts counter under the My Fixxbook section of Provider Automation played tricks on you. It indicated that you had alerts even when you didn’t.

Planned Maintenance Manager. When you added or edited a frequency, you faced an issue with selecting the days of the week. The day you specified for creating the first WO got automatically picked in the Repeat On section of the frequency overlay, and you had no chance to unselect the option.

Proposals. Once you tried to retrieve a report on proposals, you either got an error message, or the page hung up. Apologies to those who were affected.

Proposals. While taking action on a proposal, you opted to link it to an existing work order. However, once you selected the desired WO, the WO category didn’t appear in the Set Category To field within the action overlay.

Work Orders. In Provider Automation, you couldn’t download the Excel report on the current auto-assignment rules with the employee ID info. The file was too big, and its export failed. The problem is fixed, but still you need to wait to download a massive report. Patience be with you!

Work Orders. In the Work Order Assignment section of Provider Automation, when a subcontractor assigned a WO to their tech, the count of assigned WOs next to this employee didn’t update right off — the subcontractor had to refresh the page to see the changes.