Mar 19, 2020 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Mar 19, 2020 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Features and improvements


ALP. How about filtering the ALP data by provider? We can add a new filter to your Actionable Landing Page so that it displays info related to all your providers or only specific ones. Contact ServiceChannel to start using this feature.


Bug fixes


Admin. We were saddened to learn that you couldn’t add overrides to a default ETA rule — they just were not saved. P.S. To create an override, go to the list of WO priorities, hit the circle icon next to the desired priority, and click Add ETA/Skips.

Admin. When providers added new regions to those that they served in the Trades & Regions section, the counties of some states were highlighted on the map incorrectly. Now you see the actual county location on the map.

Dashboard. It wasn't possible to review work orders on the Reviews Required tab for those who used Internet Explorer. Once you clicked the tab that said you had WOs for review, the loading spinner popped up and never disappeared.

Dashboard. Those using their dashboard in French noticed that some of its parts were in English. Désolé! We’ve closed these translation gaps.

Planned Maintenance Manager. You couldn’t find frequency descriptions in your PM report. The Frequency Group Description column in the file displayed user IDs instead of the info this column was designed for.

Work Orders. At times, you couldn’t find service requests when filtering them by location ID. The issue was that those locations had a closed date entered on the location details page. From now on, we ignore this date, and you can filter WOs by location ID with ease.

Work Orders. Editing a service request prompted a techy error message for many of you. Although it didn’t prevent you from making the change, to get such a message was frustrating for you. The issue occurred because the work order had different tracking and purchase order (PO) numbers.

Work Orders. You couldn’t view some attachments added to auto-generated work orders via the Planned Maintenance module. We dug into the problem and found that removing an attachment from one PM work order made this file inaccessible for all other WOs this file was linked to.