Mar 13, 2020 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Mar 13, 2020 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Features and improvements


Planned Maintenance Manager. When you generated a PM report and opted to include unassigned locations, some of them were missing from the file. The problem is solved. Note that for massive reports containing more than 200,000 rows, you need to enter your email in the overlay for generating a PM report to get it by email.


Bug fixes


Asset Manager. There was a problem with updating and resaving an existing filter set on the new assets list. After making changes to a filter, you couldn’t save it with the current filter name.

Dashboard. Although you specified in the settings that work orders of certain categories shouldn’t be visible in your dashboard, these WOs were still out in the open. Now, when you pick some categories in the Exclude Categories section while configuring report settings, the related WOs won’t show up anymore.

Invoices. Once providers uploaded invoices via template in the XLS format, they hit a snag with opening the results file. It didn’t open throwing a message about an invalid file format.

Planned Maintenance Manager. For some PM services, you couldn’t activate the auto-dispatch process so that providers got email notifications about service requests. Nor could you deactivate this process. Upon selecting or clearing the Auto Dispatch checkbox in the overlay for editing a PM service, some of you hit an error.

Proposals. On the Console page of Provider Automation, the “RFPs Waiting” metric showed a false number of RFPs in some cases. If an RFP was submitted to several providers at a time, some of them were likely to face this issue.

Work Orders. If an auto-assignment rule was set up for a technician and all trades were selected for this rule, new trades assigned to the provider later on were not added to this rule. We’ve put things to rights.

Work Orders. In the Work Order Assignment section, providers found that the same WO appeared several times among the WOs currently assigned to their subcontractor. This happened because the latter assigned the WO to several technicians. We’ve resolved this issue.

Work Orders. In the map view, you faced an error when filtering WOs by location note header and applying more than seven values. Next time, feel free to select as many options as needed.

Work Orders. Saving filters with a large number of trades was unfeasible. When you picked more than 200 trade options and tried to save the filter, an error message showed up.

Work Orders. The “All Calls (Long Format)” Excel report didn’t contain store ID and address for some work orders. We got this info back — straight to the Store column. Note that the location address appears in this column only for those who have the required feature enabled.