23/Apr/19 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

23/Apr/19 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Features and improvements


General. Having issues while working in Service Automation? Click Report an Issue in the dropdown on the top right to submit your ticket to our support team.

Work Orders. To edit or delete a saved WO filter in Provider Automation, click Edit Filters at the bottom of the filters panel.


Bug fixes


Admin. When you filtered locations by trade and selected the Open radio button on the right of the locations list, you couldn’t download the provider assignments report on the filtered locations — an error message popped up.

Asset Manager. If you leave a required custom attribute empty when editing an asset, the system asks you to enter this info. Previously, you were not prompted to do so, and changes you made to assets were not saved.

Dashboard. For trades that didn’t allow creating duplicate work orders, you could still submit one. Now you can either go back or cancel the WO creation when duplicates are found for such trades.

Fixxbook. Deactivated users no longer appear on the general contacts list of your Fixxbook profile.

Fixxbook. On the provider’s public profile page, the media link under Additional Contact Info redirected some of you to a wrong web address.

Inventory Manager. In the Add Inventory - Upload & Download overlay, searching for a location worked incorrectly. As a result, you couldn’t download the inventory report for some locations.

Proposals. When you were assigned a proposal, notification emails didn’t reach you sometimes.

Work Orders. After you edited a WO by adding a scheduled date to it, you saw a misleading WO note.

Work Orders. When searching for multiple WOs, should you mistakenly enter the same WO tracking number twice, the duplicates no longer appear on the new WOs list and in Excel reports.

WorkForce. In Internet Explorer, when you wanted to assign a work order to a technician, the Forward tab wouldn’t load. Also, the Automate tab displayed neither trades nor locations. Both issues are fixed now.