Sep 5, 2019 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Sep 5, 2019 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Features and improvements


Admin. Turn off those email notifications that annoy you most! As an admin, you can disable specific alert types on the General Info tab of a user profile. Tell your ServiceChannel representative this feature is what you need, and you’ll be able to deactivate notifications about WOs or proposals assignments, invoice escalations, and WO notes.

Asset Manager. Stay in the loop about changes to your assets info! If an asset gets deactivated, you can now see this info right in the asset history. At the bottom of the asset attributes list, find the Deactivated row, and check what’s there.

Work Orders. Starting from today, it’s easier to spot emergency work orders on the new WOs list. We’ve added a red circle icon to the left of the WO priority — to call your attention.


Bug fixes


General. Some providers couldn’t sign up for Provider Automation — at some point, the registration form got stuck. The issue occurred because providers exceeded the character limit when entering the company info, but they had no clue about it. With this release, we display hints under the fields where the entries are too long.

Proposals. You couldn’t assign a proposal to an employee when you entered several emails in the assignment overlay. You’re able to do so now — by using a comma or a semicolon as a separator.

Proposals. Your saved proposal reports didn’t open when you tried to access them via QuickView. You got stuck on the page with proposal filters because the Find Proposals button became unresponsive.

Supply Manager. Confirming the status of Supply Manager work orders via email was a real no-go. After you selected an order status in the email, you faced an error.

Work Orders. After you updated a WO problem description, sometimes the system failed to save it. Apologies if you went through this.

Work Orders. Once in a blue moon, changing the category for a batch of WOs didn’t work. Now bulk editing functions without a hitch.

Work Orders. We’ve resolved the problem with adding notes to reassigned work orders. When you select a note recipient, we no longer add the email of the provider who was previously assigned to do the job.

Work Orders. Work orders with long additional approval codes can be updated without errors.