Apr 16, 2020 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Apr 16, 2020 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Features and improvements


Asset Manager. Put your standard and custom attributes in alphabetical order with our new feature! On the asset type details page, watch for the sorting buttons right under the attributes lists.

Asset Manager. Uploading assets via template doesn’t affect trades anymore. No matter what changes you make to the trades in the template, they all stay intact once the file is imported. P.S. You can update primary and additional trades for asset types on the asset type details page.

Work Orders. Next time a work order is assigned to a technician, they will receive updated assignment emails. We’ve replaced all outdated app names and links with the new ones — along with other changes.

Work Orders. When a tech checks in/out using the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system and changes the WO status, we now add a corresponding WO note. Sorry for not doing this before.


Bug fixes


Compliance Manager. The primary language was visually set to Czech for all your providers on the Dispatch Preferences page of their profiles. You couldn’t change the language — no Save button was available. The button is back. Set the language you need!

Dashboard. Some of you couldn’t access the work order details page: it kept loading for some time and then got closed. This issue doesn’t stand between you and WO details anymore.

Dashboard. You moved a work order to the “Completed/Canceled” status via dashboard, but no cancellation email ever reached the provider. No problem occurred if the status was “Completed/Cancelled”. Be it one or double “l” in the status name, providers will receive their cancellation emails.

Invoices. Invoices going through the multi-level invoice (MLI) approval got auto-escalated without rhyme or reason. No more tricks like that: the escalation process goes according to your MLI settings.

Proposals. We made tweaks to searching for proposals by label. When you enter a keyword or full label name in the Label field, all matching options jump to the top of the drop-down list. So, you no longer have to scroll through the list to pick the desired label.