Apr 3, 2020 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Apr 3, 2020 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Features and improvements


Admin. In the location templates that are found in Locations & Provider Assignments > Locations tab, the order of columns for the longitude and latitude didn’t match. We’ve fixed that — now in all templates, the U column is for the longitude, while the V column is for the latitude.

Invoices. Filter your invoices by multiple states at once! It’s a piece of cake — select State/Province from the Location dropdown, and pick the desired states.

Work Orders. In your regular WO report with financial details, we can round all invoice amounts to two decimal places. For instance, instead of 74.2800, you will get 74.28. If interested, ask your ServiceChannel representative to enable this feature for you.


Bug fixes


Dashboard. When adding a work order note in Dashboard 2.0, you might have noticed that the sequence of steps to complete wasn’t correct. It is now.

Inventory Manager. Duplicate scan codes shall not pass! When you update your general catalog and the file contains duplicate scan codes, you get an error message stating that duplicates are not allowed. Previously, we let you upload such files, which caused issues in the system.

Invoices. After batching invoices by provider/trade, some of you couldn’t put this batch of invoices on hold. We’ve tackled the issue, and you can freely change the status of your invoices.

Invoices. For invoices going through the multi-level invoice (MLI) approval process, there were issues with default rule sets in cases when the same level was assigned to both the default and custom rule set.

Invoices. The invoice print version was missing the user ID of a person who was the last to update the invoice status. We’ve brought this info back.

Proposals. A phantom issue didn’t let some of you get a report on requests for proposal (RFPs). When trying to, you landed on a blank page. The issue affected those whose access was restricted by location notes on the Access Based on Location Notes tab of their user profile.

Work Orders. We’ve adjusted the work of the Pending Confirmation tab on the WOs list. If you decide to see the list of all WOs after viewing “Pending Confirmation” WOs by removing the extended status selected in the filters panel, you move to the All tab now.