Oct 3, 2019 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Oct 3, 2019 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Features and improvements


Asset Manager. To import assets, you can upload only files in the XLSX format now. Since text docs don’t offer as many opportunities as Excel ones do, we’ve abandoned the use of text files.

General. On the new WOs list, the proposal link that appeared on hover over the proposal number led you to the proposal details page. Now the link takes you to the proposal list view where you can take action on the proposal.


Bug fixes


Admin. In Internet Explorer, after you added a trade to an MLI rule and saved your changes, the trade visually disappeared when you went to view this rule shortly afterwards.

Admin. Some of you could not create a location note header (LNH) and got a weird error message mentioning some “duplicate keys”. The reason behind was that you tried to add an LNH using the name of an existing one. We’ve made the message more human, so you immediately understand what you’re doing wrong.

SC Provider. If a work order is assigned to a person without a tech account, we no longer show their name in the Assigned To field of this WO.

Work Orders. In Provider Automation, we’ve fixed the interface glitch happening to the scheduled time. It appeared when you added a note to a batch of WOs and selected a wrong scheduled time.

Work Orders. Occasionally, you could create neither a proposal nor a request for proposal (RFP) from “Completed/Confirmed” work orders — although you had permission to do so. The More dropdown on the new WOs list didn’t have these two options.