Oct 10, 2019 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Oct 10, 2019 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Features and improvements


Asset Manager. On the new asset details page, we’ve added a link to the file via which this asset was imported. Find the Imported From field on the Asset Details tab, and follow the link to download the file from the Imported Assets section.


Bug fixes


Admin. You couldn’t delete a location note header (LNH) and got an odd error message full of developer terms. We’ve updated the message text — it explains that you cannot delete LHNs that are used as filters on the Actionable Landing Page.

Dashboard. In Dashboard 2.0, when you had no work orders waiting for your review, the count on the Feedback Required tab showed –1 instead of 0. Sorry for bringing this negative stuff to your life. Now the count does its job correctly.

General. For the unlucky ones, creating a linked proposal resulted in an error. Special characters that settled in the work order description lay at the root of this issue.

Invoices. We’ve ironed out the problem with opening the invoice details page in a new tab. When you right-clicked an invoice number on the invoices list and opted to view the link in a new tab, the invoices list opened instead of the invoice details page.

Planned Maintenance Manager. You tried to update the subtotal for a PM location but got stuck on saving your changes. A confusing message pointed to an unhandled error. In fact, you exceeded your NTE limit, but you didn’t know that. From this point on, we send you a crystal clear message stating that you’re over your limit.

Work Orders. On the new WOs list, the applied No On-Site Visits filter didn’t show you all the required work orders sometimes. We’ve tweaked the filter, so now it’s doing great!

Work Orders. When editing a work order, it was impossible to create a work record where the check-in time equaled the check-out time. With this release, you can add records where the total work time is zero.