Sep 27, 2019 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Sep 27, 2019 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Features and improvements


Admin. When configuring the logout time, note that 10 minutes of inactivity is the minimum value you can set. Should you enter a shorter period, we show you an error message pointing out what’s wrong.

Work Orders. Should you want to edit a scheduled date or work date, note that neither of them can be earlier than the WO call date. Hence, we’ve made all dates preceding the call date unavailable in the date picker when you edit a WO.

Work Orders. We keep making error messages clearer and more descriptive. With this release, meet one more improved message — the one that pops up when you enter the work date earlier than the WO call date.


Bug fixes


Proposals. You couldn’t assign a proposal to an employee when the entered email address contained more than one domain extension, for example, email@company.co.uk.

Refrigerant Tracking Manager. When you enter the refrigerant data for a work order, remember to indicate the part number. To prevent errors, we no longer allow you to click Next in the Refrigerant Tracking overlay until you provide this info.

Webhooks. Some providers didn’t receive notifications when new work orders were created. No worries — alerts for this event type reach their recipients.

Work Orders. Occasionally, searching for a WO by WO number didn’t give any results. The root cause was a leading space in the WO number, but this tiny thing is not in the way anymore.

Work Orders. On the WOs list, the search and filter icons on the collapsed left panel worked incorrectly. The search icon opened the filters, while the filter icon opened the search criteria — totally confusing. We’ve sorted these things out.

Work Orders. Some of you couldn’t add a work order note. You tried to do so — and the page got stuck on loading all of a sudden.

Work Orders. Work orders that you copied from the new WOs list to the clipboard and pasted to your email app contained broken links. Clicking the WO tracking, invoice, or proposal number triggered an error instead of taking you to Service Automation.