Oct 23, 2020 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Oct 23, 2020 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Features and improvements

Core modules

Admin. Just in case you manually enter an invalid location open or close date or an invalid date for location holidays, we duly let you know that the date should be corrected. Hint: to avoid issues, use the MM/DD/YYYY date format.

Planned Maintenance Manager. We’ve made a few updates to the email and Excel report on the upcoming PM work orders. The email will give you a definite time period when to expect those WOs instead of the vague “next week” timespan, while the report will include a new “ExpectedCreatedDate” column where you can sneak peek at the expected creation date for each PM WO.

Work Orders. A hundred instead of two dozen — how do you like it? This is how many work orders you can now search for by WO or purchase order (PO) number at a time. With a bit of stardust, the WOs list allows you to search for way more work orders at once!

Work Orders. In the Work Order Assignment section of Provider Automation, some technicians were marked in gray although their profiles were complete and should have been in blue. In case someone’s profile is still gray like a cloud, make sure the profile is complete, or try to resave the profile in User Management.

Add-on modules

Projects. Until a project gets approved, you can edit such WO task details as the dashboard, area, problem type, asset, and problem. Making a mistake upon creating a WO task previously left you no choice but to start creating a task from scratch. Now, you can edit this bunch of fields — in addition to those that have always been editable.

Bug fixes

Core modules

Dashboard. Switching between dashboards in Dashboard 2.0 (pardon this tautology) should have updated the count of service requests on the View Open Work Orders tab — since different settings were configured for different dashboards. Alas, no update took place. That was the bad news. The issue doesn’t happen again — that’s the good news we are happy to share.

Invoices. There was an issue with moving approved invoices to the “Paid” status via the “Payment Invoice Template” on the invoices list. If the payment date you specified in the template matched the invoice posted or invoice creation date, you got an error message informing you that such invoices weren’t paid.

Planned Maintenance Manager. Occasionally, some PM work orders that you created via the PM template were not searchable by labels on the WOs list — although they had labels assigned via the template.

Work Orders. After you updated the status of a follow-up work order, your provider received an email alert that included info about the last service request (original WO). This happened against your dashboard settings — the Show Last Service Call checkbox that regulates this setting was crystal clear on the Request tab.

Add-on modules

Decision Engine. Under the Insights tab of the invoices list, it has always been the percentage of auto-approved invoices that the vertical axis of the chart displayed, but the axis name said it was their number, which left you scratching your head. The misleading name has been changed.

Projects. Reached the step where you need to create a name for a project task but then realized that some of the task details you provided in the previous step should be reviewed or edited? Throw off the fear that going back will remove all the info entered — this nightmare doesn’t happen anymore. Return and change whatever doesn’t look right.