Nov 7, 2019 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Nov 7, 2019 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Features and improvements


Dashboard. In your dashboard, the proposal link on the invoice details page now leads you to the proposal list view — instead of the detailed view.

Work Orders. When you create a linked classic service request and decide to transfer attachments from the original work order, you can select which files to copy. To start using the feature, contact ServiceChannel.


Bug fixes


General. In the Provider Automation console, the proposal metrics showed zeros although you had “Open” and “Approved” proposals. We’ve mended the broken metrics, and now they are running like clockwork.

Proposal. When you tried to approve a proposal right after editing its linked WO, you got an error message. The error occurred because we failed to keep pace with you and promptly update the proposal. Sorry for being slowpokes.

SC Provider. Some FTM internal technicians couldn’t accept a work order in the SC Provider mobile app. After they tapped Accept, nothing happened. The buttons such as Add Note, Log Time, and Media that should have appeared for the accepted WO didn’t show up either.

Work Orders. After submitting a classic service request, you were able to return to the page for creating a WO by clicking the back arrow in your browser and dispatch this request again. To avoid generating duplicate requests, we now inactivate the Send My Service Request button in this case.

Work Orders. In Provider Automation, the Excel file with current auto-assignment rules contained more rules than actually existed. Now the file has correct data. Check it out by downloading the current rules from Work Order Assignment > Bulk Upload.

Work Orders. Once you edited a batch of WOs from the WOs list, your contractors didn’t have a clue of the changes. No notification emails reached them even though you selected the Notify Providers checkbox in the Edit WO Batch overlay.

Work Orders. When you navigated to the WOs list, you found that some work orders didn’t match the default filter options — Call Date and Past Month. Apologies to those who were affected.