Nov 14, 2019 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Nov 14, 2019 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Features and improvements


Work Orders. Every time providers manually assigned WOs to technicians, we added their badges as PDF files to WOs. From now on, we don’t attach badge files because they serve no purpose today.

Work Orders. It is high time to get rid of outdated things that you no longer use. With this release, we’re removing the info on premium hours from the Check-In/Out tab of the WO details page. Stay in touch for more clean-ups!

Work Orders. Learn who added the latest note to a WO right from the WOs list! Apart from showing the note, its number, and date, we now also display the name of the person who created the note. Thus, you don’t have to drill into the WO details to get this info.


Bug fixes


Admin. A while back, some of you couldn’t download the MS Excel report on location notes from the Locations & Provider Assignments section. This issue occurred when two location note headers (LNHs) had almost identical names — the only difference was that one LNH contained a space in its name, while the other didn’t.

Admin. From the User Management section of Provider Automation, you couldn’t invite more than 10 users at once via the MS Excel template. When uploading the file, you got the “Access Denied” error message. The issue is solved, and you can get yourself an army of techs.

Dashboard. Apologies if you’ve had trouble creating a service request lately. When you tried to submit your work order, you got an error saying that the scheduled date was less than the call date — although the WO scheduled date followed the rule perfectly.

Proposals. The page for creating a proposal was loading at a snail's pace sometimes. Rest assured: it takes a couple of seconds now to open the page.

QuickView. When you accessed a saved report on work orders via QuickView, the WOs list opened displaying an incorrect number of WOs per page. Now the pagination is working properly.

Site Planning Manager. Since all audit reports are now available in the Site Planning Reports section, we’ve removed Audit Reports from the work orders section in the hamburger menu.

Work Orders. Once some of you tried to edit the problem description of a WO, the page got stuck loading. Sorry for causing trouble.

Work Orders. When a work order ran through the auto-feedback process, the WO status history displayed incorrect info on who updated the status. We’ve found what was wrong and put things right.