03/Jun/19 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

03/Jun/19 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Features and improvements


Admin. Should you speak any non-Latin language, feel free to enter the location name, address, region, and district in your native language when you add or edit locations.


Bug fixes


Dashboard. On the Open Work Orders tab, all service requests were shown as Preventive Maintenance WOs in the calendar and as reactive WOs in the list. Also, the Late to Arrive tab was missing WOs. These two issues are solved now.

General. Previously, all provider users were required to add their photos when creating a ServiceChannel account, which was a bug. Now only technicians should upload their photos upon signing up.

Work Orders. Due to ill fate, one minute was added to the original scheduled date, so emergency WOs didn’t appear on their metric on the Actionable Landing Page. We just hope that you haven’t missed any urgent WO.