Invoice Reports

Invoice Reports

From the Invoices List, you can download an Excel report on invoices. Since there are two types of invoices — standard and line-item invoices — that your providers may submit to you, you can export a report on standard and line-item invoices separately.

These reports provide you with pertinent invoice information, including invoice numbers, costs, related work order details, and more. You can customize your reports by adding the desired location note headers that will serve as column headers in your file. Besides, you can filter invoices by the required criteria before downloading the file. Thus, the exported file will include information only on those invoices you are most interested in.

Invoice reports that you can download from the Invoices List

Fields Available on Invoice Reports

Below is the list of fields available on all standard invoice reports. However, based on your company account settings, you may have additional columns in your invoice report that are not described here, for example, additional approval codes or line-item GL codes.

Please, contact your ServiceChannel representative should you need to change the decimal point (.) to decimal comma (,) on non-monetary amounts, such as: 

  • Hours and Duration 
  • Quantity Amounts 
  • Weight. 

 Expand the section to view information on the invoice standard report.
Location IDIdentification number of the location for which the invoiced work order was created
Location NameName of the location for which the invoiced work order was created
AddressMain address of the work order location
ProviderCompany name of the provider who performed the requested work and submitted the invoice
TradeTrade of the invoiced work order
W.O #Number of the invoiced work order
Tr. #Tracking number of the invoiced work order
CategoryCategory the invoiced work order belongs to
PriorityPriority of the invoiced work order
ProblemCodeProblem code of the invoiced work order
ProblemDescriptionIssue description provided upon creating a work order 
TagIDTag ID of the asset associated with the work order the invoice was created for
InvoiceNumberNumber of the invoice
Inv.DateInvoice date selected upon creating the invoice
Posted DateDate when the invoice was actually submitted — can be different from the invoice date 
Posted ByUser ID of a person who created the invoice
Inv.TextProblem resolution entered by the provider upon creating the invoice
Inv.StatusInvoice status at the moment of exporting the invoice report
Approved ByUsername of a person who approved the invoice
Approved By UserIDUser ID of a person who approved the invoice
Approve DateDate and time when the invoice was approved
Batch IDIdentification number of the payment batch the invoice is added to
ApprCodeMajorInvoice approval code, also known as GL code
ApprCodeMinorWhen ApprCodeMajor is empty, this column will contain an automatically generated invoice approval code
CurrencyCurrency of the invoice total amount
Inv.TotalTotal amount to be paid to the provider for the performed service
Vendor IDIdentification number given to the provider by their subscriber
Last Payment DateDate when the invoice was paid
Last Payment NumberPayment number that is generated after the invoice is paid
Payment Amount

Invoice amount that was paid

Should you need to change the decimal point (.) to decimal comma (,) on monetary amounts, contact your ServiceChannel representative. 

CommentsComment the subscriber left upon taking action on the invoice. The comment is required upon rejecting an invoice but can be skipped upon approving or putting the invoice on hold.
Marked for AuditShows whether or not the invoice was marked for an audit via dashboard
Completed DateDate when the related work order was moved to a “Completed” status
RegionRegion of the location for which the invoiced work order was created
DistrictDistrict of the location for which the invoiced work order was created
Travel AmountAmount of travel charges
Labor Amount of labor charges
MaterialAmount of material charges
FreightAmount of freight charges
OtherAmount of other charges
Sales TaxSales tax amount
Sales Tax 2Invoice second tax amount (typically PST, QST, or HST for Canada). Multiple taxes are required for some Canadian locations.
Total IVR/Check-in HrsTotal time in hours a provider spent on site based on check-in/out records.
Invoice billed HrsTotal labor time in hours a provider specified in the invoice.
W.O. Transf. DateTransfer date of the work order for which the invoice was created
Inv. Transf. DateDate when the approved invoice was transferred to the client’s accounting department for payment. Learn more about transferred invoices.
PO #Purchase order number of the invoiced work order
Rejected DateThe date when the invoice was rejected. If the invoice was not rejected, the field under the column is empty.
 Expand this section to view information on the line-item invoice report.
Location IDIdentification number of the location for which the invoiced work order was created
Location NameName of the location for which the invoiced work order was created
AddressMain address of the work order location
RegionRegion of the location for which the invoiced work order was created
DistrictDistrict of the location for which the invoiced work order was created
ProviderCompany name of the provider who performed the requested work and submitted an invoice
Vendor IDIdentification number given to the provider by their subscriber
TradeTrade of the invoiced work order
W.O #Number of the invoiced work order
Tr. #Tracking number of the invoiced work order
PO #Purchase order number of the invoiced work order
CategoryCategory the invoiced work order belongs to
PriorityPriority of the invoiced work order
ProblemCodeProblem code of the invoiced work order
ProblemDescriptionIssue description provided upon creating a work order 
InvoiceNumberNumber of the invoice
Completed DateDate when the related work order was moved to a “Completed” status
Inv.DateInvoice date selected upon creating the invoice
Posted DateDate when the invoice was actually submitted — can be different from the invoice date 
Posted ByUser ID of a person who created the invoice
Inv.TextProblem resolution entered by the provider upon creating the invoice
Inv.StatusInvoice status at the moment of exporting the invoice report
Approved ByUsername of a person who approved the invoice
Approved By UserIDUser ID of a person who approved the invoice
Approve DateDate and time when the invoice was approved
Batch IDIdentification number of the payment batch the invoice is added to
ApprCodeMajorInvoice approval code, also known as GL code
ApprCodeMinorWhen ApprCodeMajor is empty, this column will contain an automatically generated invoice approval code
CurrencyCurrency of invoice total amount

Total amount to be paid to the provider for the performed service

Should you need to change the decimal point (.) to decimal comma (,) on monetary amounts, contact your ServiceChannel representative. 

Last Payment DateDate when the invoice was paid
Last Payment NumberPayment number that is generated after the invoice is paid
Payment AmountInvoice amount that was paid
CommentsComment the subscriber left upon taking action on the invoice. The comment is required upon rejecting an invoice but can be skipped upon approving or putting the invoice on hold.
Marked for AuditShows whether or not the invoice was marked for an audit via dashboard
Record TypeThis field identifies if a spreadsheet row is for line items or for a summary. Learn more about the row types.
Skill LevelSkill level of the employee who performed the service, for example, Supervisor, Technician, or Helper
Labor TypeLabor type of the employee who performed the service, for example, Regular, Overtime, or Double Time
# of TechsNumber of employees of the specified skill level and labor type who worked on the service request
Hourly RateCost per one hour for the specified skill level and labor type
Total HoursNumber of hours spent on-site for the entered skill level, labor type, and hourly rate
Labor AmountTotal amount of labor charges
Travel AmountTotal amount of travel charges
Material DescriptionTextual description of the material used
Part #Part (serial or manufacturer) number for a material line item
UnitsUnit of measure, for example, each, box, feet
Price per UnitUnit price
QtyQuantity of the material used
MaterialTotal amount of material charges
FreightTotal amount of freight charges
Other Charges - DescriptionDescription of a charge that belongs to the “Other” type of costs. For example, Discount, Management Fee, etc.
Other Charges - CommentsComments on a charge that belongs to the “Other” type of costs
Other Charges - AmountAmount of a charge that belongs to the “Other” type of costs
Additional Approval Code (Name) Additional Approval Code (AAC) Name. It has the AAC name in the title as you configured in the Admin module.
For example, Internal Work, PM-006,
and others.
Sales TaxSales tax amount
Sales Tax 2Invoice second tax amount (typically PST, QST, or HST for Canada). Multiple taxes are required for some Canadian locations.
W.O. Transf. DateTransfer date of the work order for which the invoice was created
Inv. Transf. DateDate when the approved invoice was transferred to the client’s accounting department for payment. Learn more about transferred invoices.
Rejected DateThe date when the invoice was rejected. If the invoice was not rejected, the field under the column is empty.

Downloading Invoice Reports

When necessary, you can download the required invoice report to your device.

⦿ How to Download an Invoice Report
  1. On the Invoices page, manually select the invoices that you want to include, or use the filters to hone in on the desired invoices.
  2. From the Download / Upload drop-down menu, select the report you want to download.
    Invoice Reports
  3. (Optional) In the overlay that appears, select the Weather Type checkbox to add the corresponding field to the report and select the Location Notes that should be included in the report.
    Download Invoice Report
  4. Click DownloadThe selected report is downloaded to your device.