In step 2, you add the conditions under which ServiceChannel will sort the needed invoices and send them to auto-approve.
For exaple, only invoices under the following conditions will be approved:
- Invoices have at least 1 WO attachment.
- The agreed rate is less than the invoice rate.
- The minimum time difference between the Invoice time and WO check in/out time is less than 0.25 hrs (15 min).
You can set up the conditions in 2 ways:
- Set up conditions that will apply to all selected providers.
- Create multiple rules with conditions for different provider sets.
- Click + Add Condition.

- Select Include or Exclude from Auto-Approval invoices that meet the conditions you specify.
- Select the Has Approved Proposal checkbox for invoices required to have at least one proposal that was approved.
- Select the Has WO Attachment checkbox for invoices required to have at least one attachment.
Select the Include non-compliant hours in check in/out time checkbox for invoices with non-compliant check-in/out hours.
Enter the miles within which invoices will be included or excluded from auto-approval.
Select if a non-compliant invoice check-in/out should be >= or <= the miles you specified.
- Select the Has Provider Invoice checkbox for invoices required to have

Configure conditions in the Rate Validation section.
the Rate Validation Section
Rate validation ensures that the charges on invoices align with the agreed-upon prices. It helps prevent overcharging or billing discrepancies, allowing for effective cost control and expense management.

- Select a Category and Trade or select All to capture all categories and/or trades.
In the Total Amount field, enter the maximum amount the invoice should be charged for auto-approval.

For example, to auto-approve invoices for a maximum of USD 500, enter 500 in this field. Invoices for USD 500.01 and above will not be considered for approval.
Click Save changes. A new condition has been added.
Add the provider(s) to include or exclude in the auto-approval process:
- Select All to include invoices from all providers in the auto-approval process.
- Select Only these to include specific providers.
You can also type the provider’s name for a faster search and selection. - Select All, with the exception of these to exclude specific providers.
You can also type the provider’s name for a faster search and selection.