Configuring MLI Levels

Configuring MLI Levels

As stated above, MLI Levels are hierarchal lists of users who are appointed to approve invoices across locations. In this area, you can create MLI Levels, and then distribute users across MLI levels for those locations.

To configure an MLI Level you will first add an MLI Level, then add users to that MLI Level, and finally associate users to locations within that MLI Level, as illustrated:

Configuring MLI levels

Step 1: Adding an MLI Level

⦿ How to Add an MLI Level
  1. Under the MLI Levels section, click Add a Level. The MLI Level page appears.
    MLI levels
  2. In the upper-left corner, add a name for the MLI Level.


    When giving a name to an MLI level, make sure it's unique for each level.

  3. (Optional) Indicate if users belonging to this MLI Level will have permission to change the category of the work order, and/or change the GL Code of the work order. 

    Change Category permission is beneficial for users who review an invoice and determine that the invoice is listed under the wrong category, and should be changed to the correct category. For example: an invoice for a major reflooring project may have been placed in the Repair category, but upon review it should really be in the Capital Expenditure category due to the extensive nature of the work.

    Change Code permission is beneficial for users who can either assign a GL Code to an invoice, or change a GL Code after reviewing the invoice.

  4. Click Save. A green dialog box appears indicating the level was saved successfully.

Step 2: Adding Users to an MLI Level

⦿ How to Add Users to an MLI Level
  1. In the MLI Levels section, click the required level name. The list of users assigned to this level appears.
  2. Click + Add Users to This Level under the users list. The overlay for adding users to the selected MLI level pops up.
  3. Search for and select each user you want to add from the drop-down list. You may enter a username, user ID, or user email to search for the required users.

    Each user can be added to only one MLI level. If a user should be assigned to another MLI level, you first need to delete this user from the MLI level they currently belong to.

    The overlay for adding users to an MLI level

  4. After selecting the required users, click Add # Users, where ’#’ is the number of users you have picked. The users will be listed on the MLI Level screen.

    The users you added to the MLI level appear listed on the screen for this level

Step 3: Adding a Location to an MLI Level User

You may search for locations using a Location ID, Location Name, Region, District, City, State, Zip Code, and Country. For example: should you want to add a Regional Manager’s locations to their MLI permissions, simply select Region from the Location ID drop-down menu, and then choose the region. The locations the user has access to will appear. Once you search for locations, you may remove individual locations you do not want to be associated with that user in the MLI workflow.

Adding locations to MLI users

There are 2 tabs on this screen:

  • ‘#’ Locations: this tab lists the number of locations to which the user is permissioned to take action on invoices.
  • Add Locations: this tab allows you to search for and select locations to add to the user for the MLI process.
⦿ How to Add a Location to an MLI User
  1. On the MLI Levels page, click 0 Locations to the right of the desired user’s name. The Locations dialog box for that user appears.
  2. Click the drop-down menu to select the criteria (Location ID, Location Name, Region, District, City, State, Zip Code, and Country) and then enter or select the related information in the dynamic menu/text field. The number of locations appears, along with the list of locations.
    • Location ID, Region, District, Country: either choose from the menu or type in the information to search
    • Location Name, City, Zip: type in the information in the text field. Note this is an exact search.
  3. (Optional) Click the trash can to the right of any locations for which you do not want the user to approve invoices.
  4. Click Add # Locations, where # is the number of locations you are permissioning the user to approve invoices. The locations list under the ‘#’ Locations tab.
  5. Click Save. The MLI Levels page appears, and a green box indicating the locations were added appears.
  6. Once you have completed associating all users with locations, click Close. The MLI configuration page appears with the number of users, and indication of change category and change code permissions. Also, the MLI Rules section is now editable. For more info, see Configuring MLI Rules.
    MLI levels after configuration

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