(Step 3) Configuring Invoice Auto-Approval

(Step 3) Configuring Invoice Auto-Approval

In step 3, you can add email addresses to which you send the auto-approval report. 

Note that email reports are sent after each process run, according to the schedule located at the top of the page. The email will contain a list of auto-approved invoices.

Screenshot showing the the checkbox to send emails

⦿ How to Configure the Third Step of Invoice Auto-Approval
  1. Select the Send auto-approve report to checkbox. 
  2. Enter the email address of the recipient. 
    1. To enter multiple emails, separate each email address with a semicolon. 
  3. Click Save.  
    A green box appears confirming that all invoice date ranges, attributes, providers, and report recipients are saved. 

Screenshot showing how to save the page

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