Printing Invoices

Printing Invoices

You can print invoices created in Service Automation. All of the areas — such as client rates, check-in/out info, and material charges just to name a few  are included on printed invoices.

Printing options

When you hit the Print button on an invoice, you can both print a paper invoice as well as save the invoice as PDF or export it to a notes management application. The list of printing options depends on the devices and applications installed on your device, but here's the list of the most common options:

  • Print using a printer
  • Send by fax
  • Save as PDF
  • Save to Google Drive. 

    You must have an established Google Drive account to save files in this location.

Printing a Single Invoice

⦿ How to Print an Invoice
  1. Click Invoices on the top navigation panel. The Invoices List opens.

  2. Locate the invoice you wish to print and click the invoice number. The invoice details page appears.

  3. On the bottom of the page, click Print.
  4. From the Destination dropdown on the left, select the required printing option.

  5. Depending on the option you've just selected, click Print or Save.

Printing Multiple Invoices

⦿ How to Print Multiple Invoices
  1. On the Invoices List, select the invoices you want to print by checking a box to the left of the invoice number.
  2. On the bottom of the page, click Print. The Print Choice overlay appears.
  3. Select one of the print choices, and click PrintYou can print only invoices, only their attachments, or both invoices and attachments.
  4. Review the generated document, and click Print again.
  5. From the Destination dropdown on the left, select the required printing option.

  6. Depending on the option you've just selected, click Print or Save.