Updating GL Codes

Updating GL Codes

GL codes — also known as Approval Codes — are special codes that are used for accounting purposes.

When configured in the Admin module, GL codes appear on work orders and invoices. The invoice GL code is displayed on the Invoices List below the Actions button.

GL code is located below the Actions bar on the Invoices List

By default, an invoice has the same GL code as the work order associated with that invoice. When a work order has no GL code, the invoice has no code either.

Sometimes it may be required to add a GL code to an invoice or update the current GL code. You can do that from the Invoices List or using the Batch By option option. You can change a GL code for a single invoice, multiple invoices, or all invoices at once.


After you add or change an invoice GL code, the GL code for the work order linked to the invoice will automatically update.

When charge types or line items of the invoice should be associated with different GL codes, there is an option to set multiple approval codes. For more details, view Multiple GL Codes per Invoice.

Updating a GL Code from the Invoices List View

From the Invoices List, you can update a GL code for a single invoice or multiple invoices.

⦿ How to Edit a GL Code for a Single Invoice from the Invoices List
  1. Locate the desired invoice, and click the GL code number. The Edit Approval Code overlay appears.
  2. Enter a new GL code.
  3. (Optional) Select a category should you need to change the invoice category.
    Overlay for editing a GL code for a single invoice
  4. Click Save. The invoice GL code is updated.

You can also update a GL code for a batch of invoices.

⦿ How to Edit GL Codes for Multiple Invoices from the Invoices List
  1. Select the checkbox next to the desired invoices or select the checkbox atop of the Invoices List to select all invoices.
  2. On the bottom of the screen, click Approval Code. The Edit Approval Code overlay appears.
  3. Enter a new GL code.
    Overlay for editing a GL code for multiple invoices
  4. (Optional) Add a comment.
  5. Click Save. The invoices GL codes are updated.

Updating a GL Code Using the Batch By Option

Before updating a GL code for multiple invoices, you can batch them using the Batch By option on the Invoices List.

⦿ How to Edit a GL Code Using the Batch By Option
  1. On the Invoices List, click Batch by and select the option by which you want to group invoices. The result page appears. The number opposite each option name indicates how many invoices belong to each option.

    Batch By Mode

  2. Click the number opposite the provider, trade, or category name. The list of invoices appears.
  3. Check the boxes next to the desired invoices or check the box on the top to select all invoices.
  4. On the bottom of the screen, click Approval Code. The Edit Approval Code overlay appears.
    How to edit a GL code using the Batch By option
  5. Enter a new GL code.
  6. (Optional) Add a comment.
  7. Click Save. The invoices GL codes are changed.

When updating a GL code for a batch of invoices, you can also approve them.

⦿ How to Edit GL Codes and Approve Invoices in the Batch By Mode
  1. On the Invoices List, click Batch by and select by which option you want to group invoices. The result page appears. The number opposite each option name indicates how many invoices belong to each option.
  2. Click the number opposite the provider, trade, or category name. The list of invoices appears.
  3. Enter new GL codes into the GL field under the View button.
  4. Check the boxes next to the invoices for which you changed the GL codes.
  5. On the bottom of the screen, click Approve. The Invoice Batch Approval overlay appears.
  6. (Optional) Add a comment.
  7. Click Save. The invoices GL codes are changed and the invoices are approved.

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