Managing Locations Landlord Responsibility Overrides

Managing Locations Landlord Responsibility Overrides

When location(s) has specific issue(s) that are covered by the landlord, the Landlord Responsibility Overrides can be used so those specific issue(s) are performed by the landlord. The default or global settings under Admin are already established for the location override but can be changed to ensure the correct issue(s) are covered by the landlord. Landlord overrides can be modified or deleted at any time.

Location Landlord Responsibility Override

Selecting Criteria for Overrides

Selecting your criteria pinpoints which work orders at the location where the overrides are applied. This section consists of Trade and Category. One value for each field is required to be selected to create Landlord Responsibility Override record.

Hovering over the information icon offers an explantation for each function. 

⦿ How to Add a Landlord Responsibility Override for a Location
  1. Click the Landlord link to open the tab
  2. Click the Add A Responsibility button to start adding an override
    Add a Responsibility Button
  3. Use the drop-down arrow to select a trade
  4. Use the drop-down arrow to select a Category
    Criteria selection
  5. Optional: Change the override default settings for the location
  6. Optional: Add a message in the Lease Abstract textbox

    Any message in the Lease Abstract gets included as a note on the work order.  

  7. Click the Save Landlord button to finalize the location’s Landlord Responsibility Override
⦿ How to Modify a Location’s Landlord Responsibility Override
  1. Locate an override from the list and click the pencil icon to open the page
  2. Modify the selections for the Override
  3. Click the Save Landlord button to save the changes
⦿ How to Delete a Location’s Landlord Responsibility Override
  1. Locate an override from the list and click the trash can icon to delete the override
  2. Click the Delete button to confirm the deletion

Please contact your Customer Service Representative to enable this feature. 

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