Sorting and Filtering the Locations List

Sorting and Filtering the Locations List

You may sort and filter the Locations list, add new Locations, assign or retire service providers from Locations and Trades:

  • Sorting or filtering the Locations list will help you find your Locations faster. This is especially helpful for facility operations with an extensive list of Locations. Pagination allows you to see either 10, 20 or 50 Locations at a time.
  • Assigning or retiring service providers from this list helps you manage your providers.
  • Adding new locations is necessary when you want to manage work orders for a location. See Adding a Location and Editing Location Details for more information.

Sorting Locations

On the top right of the Locations list is the sorter. By default, the Locations list is sorted by Location ID. You may also sort by Location Name, District, Region, City and State. The arrow icon toggles the list to sort in ascending or descending order.

Sorting locations

Dynamically Filtering Locations

You may dynamically filter the Locations list using criteria such as Location Attributes, Provider Assignments, and Location Note Headers. Dynamic filtering allows you to view only the information you need to see for the desired Location(s). You may filter using as many criteria as needed.

  • Location Attributes criteria: Filter by Location ID, Location Name, Region, District, City, State, Zip Code and/or Country.
  • Location Open To/From criteria: Filter by the Open Date of the Location.
  • Provider Assignments criteria: Filter by Provider, Trade Provider Ranks and/or Label Reserve Rank.
  • Location Notes Header criteria: Filter by any or all of the Location Note Headers, as configured in your system.

Your available filtering options are dependent on your permission levels. You may only filter to the options for which you have permissions.

An example of how dynamic filtering works:

You may filter the Locations list in any way, using as many criteria as necessary, to find the Location information that is relevant to you. An example is as follows:

John, a Facility Manager, wants to see which stores iFixx Services, a service provider, is assigned to the Audio Visual trade in the NYC/LI District. John will dynamically filter the list by District (NYC/LI), Provider (iFixx Services), and Trade (Audio Visual).

Dynamic filtering on the Locations page

In this scenario, there are 3 Locations using iFixx Services for Audio Visual work orders. As you can see, iFixx Services is assigned as the Rank 1 provider for the Queens location, and the Rank 2 provider for the Brooklyn and Manhattan locations. If John wanted to make a change in ranking the service providers, he may click the trade and make the necessary adjustments.

Filtering by Location IDs

The Location ID is the default filter that allows you to find locations by their identification numbers. These are unique IDs that are manually entered upon creating locations.

Based on the number of locations you want to find, there are two ways for you to apply the filter:

  • By selecting location IDs one by one: You can search for and pick the IDs of the locations you are looking for one by one from the Choose Location ID drop-down list.
  • By pasting multiple location IDs: With a list of location IDs copied from an Excel sheet or any other document, you can paste the list into the Choose Location ID field. That’s the fastest way to find multiple locations in one go.
    • The copied list of location IDs should contain each location ID on a separate line for the filtering to work out. For example, here is the location IDs list used in the example above:


    • Up to 600 location IDs can be pasted at a time.

Filtering by Provider

When using the Provider filter, an additional checkbox appears under Exclude Closed Locations, called Show Primary Rank Only. When the box is checked, the Location list displays only the locations and trades where the Provider selected is the top-ranked provider.

Filtering by provider

Filtering by Region, District, Trade or Rank

When using the Region, District, Trade or Rank filters, additional selections appear along with Exclude Closed Locations and Show Primary Rank Only: Assigned and Open radio buttons. These radio buttons filter the Trades status in the locations list:

  • Assigned, when selected, filters the list to show all Locations with at least 1 provider assigned to at least 1 trade.
  • Open, when selected, filters the list to show all Locations with at least 1 trade that does not have a provider assigned to it.

Filtering by Region, District, Trade, or Provider Rank

Clearing Filters

You may clear individual filters or clear all filters at once:

  • Clear individual filters by clicking the white X on the desired filter label(s). The remaining filters remain, and the locations list will reset with the remaining filters.
  • Clear all filters by clicking the blue X towards the left of all filter labels.