Managing Attachments for a Location
Joseph Yarborough (Unlicensed)
Chellie Esters
Natalia Larina (Unlicensed)
Anastasiya Dashuk (Unlicensed)
A location attachment is a document that relays information about that location that may help Service Automation Corporate users and service providers manage work orders. Documents such as floor plans, photos or videos of the location are examples of attachments that are typically uploaded here. Attachments are visible to both clients and service providers, and both clients and service providers may upload relevant documents.
In the Location Details, the number of attachments available will appear on the Attachments tab:
Uploading an Attachment
Both service providers and permissioned corporate users may upload and view attachments. The maximum size of each attachment is 50MB.
- Open the Location Details for the desired Location.
- Click the Attachments tab. The Attachments page will appear.
- Click Upload File. The Upload Attachment window will appear.
- Click Browse a file to select a file from your computer.
- (Optional) Write a short Description of the details of the document.
- Click Upload. The Attachment page appears with your login name and the date and time you uploaded the document listed.
Deleting an Attachment
A corporate user can delete attachments that (s)he has uploaded, as well as attachments uploaded by service providers. A corporate user cannot delete an attachment uploaded by another corporate user.
A service provider can only delete attachments that (s)he has uploaded. A service provider cannot delete attachments uploaded by corporate users.
- Check the box next to the desired attachment(s). The Delete Attachments button appears on the page, with a count of the selected attachments.
- Click Delete Attachments. The desired attachment(s) are removed from the list.