Managing Location Notes for a Location

Managing Location Notes for a Location

Every Location Note Header created in the Administration module appears under this Location Notes tab. Depending on how each Location Note Header is configured, the information listed here may appear in the Dashboard or in correspondences with service providers when work orders are dispatched.

It is best to input as much information as possible, as information that is visible to your service providers and location users will help them be more efficient during the life cycle of the work order.

Manage Locations - Location Note Details

⦿ How to Add Location Notes Information:
  1. Open the Location Details for the desired Location.
  2. Click the Location Notes tab. The Location Notes page will appear.
  3. Enter the desired information for each field.
  4. Click Save Location Notes. A green bar appears, indicating the information was saved, and the number of Location Notes Headers with information in the fields will increase count next to the Location Notes tab.
  5. Either click Close on the top-right of the page to exit, or click the appropriate tabs to add location note information, attachments, wiki information, or provider assignments.
⦿ How to Remove Location Notes Information:
  1. Open the Location Details for the desired Location.
  2. Click the Location Notes tab. The Location Notes page will appear.
  3. Remove the desired information out of the field.
  4. Click Save Location Notes. A green bar appears, indicating the information was saved, and the number of Location Notes Headers with information in the fields will reduce count next to the Location Notes tab.
  5. Either click Close on the top-right of the page to exit, or click the appropriate tabs to add location note information, attachments, wiki information, or provider assignments.