Modifying Proposals from the List View

Modifying Proposals from the List View

You can make changes to a proposal by modifying the details without changing the proposal status. Modifying a proposal may become necessary if something has changed in relation to the project or additional information is needed. Being able to modify proposals ensures accuracy and avoids potential mistakes. When modifying a proposal, you can:

  • Post to originating Work Order
  • Generate new Work Order
  • Select existing Work Order

You cannot update proposals in the Rejected status.

⦿ How to Modify a Proposal
  1. Find the proposal you want to update on the Proposals List.
  2. Click More, and then select Edit in the drop-down list.

  3. In the window that opens, update the desired proposal details.

     Expand the section to view what details you can update.
    1. Select a work order to link to the proposal:
      • Post to Originating Work Order: If there is a service request associated with the proposal, you see its number and tracking number below this option in the overlay. You can enter a purchase order number as well as change the work order category and priority if needed.

        Applying changes to an originating work order upon editing a proposal
        If no service request is linked to the proposal and you don’t want to generate a new work order or pick an existing one, leave the Post to Originating Work Order option selected, and go to step 3.b.
        Selecting to apply changes to an originating work order upon editing a proposal when there is no linked service request
      • Generate New Work Order: Pick this option to create a new service request and link it to the proposal. To proceed, set the work order category and priority. Optionally, enter a purchase order number.
      • Select Existing Work Order: If there are service requests in the system whose trade and location match those of the proposal, you can choose an existing work order and attach it to the proposal. The selected service request gets linked to the proposal. You can enter a purchase order number as well as change the WO category and priority if needed.
    2. Select or enter a label to tag a proposal. For more information, read about Managing Proposal Labels. 
    3. Change the Set P.O. # to field, if needed. 
    4. Change the Category field to which the proposal belongs. 
    5. Change the Priority to field, if needed.  
    6. Modify the approval code (GL code). For more information about GL codes, read Managing GL Codes. 
    7. Depending on your configuration, modify or select additional approval codes (AAC). For more information about AACs, read Managing Additional Approval Codes.

      If you use identical Additional Approval Code (AAC) names with the same values across different categories, the selected or entered value will remain the same when you switch between these categories. However, you can manually edit this value in the text field if necessary. 

      For example, if you change a proposal from the MAINTENANCE category to the REPAIR category, and both categories use an AAC named "INTERNAL WORK" with the value "6746-1," this value will be retained. 

      Screenshots showing the same AAC value

      Note that if you change the proposal category, the GL code and additional approval codes may change as configured in the Admin module. 

    8. Enter or edit the comment describing why you’re updating the proposal details.
    9. In the Email field, specify the email addresses to which you want to send a notification of the proposal update. The email address of the provider who submitted the proposal is set by default.
    10. Select the Email a Copy to Myself checkbox to send a notification to your email address displayed in the My Email field. Edit the address or list more emails if needed.

      For a proposal in the Approved status, you can edit the proposal approval reason if your company has this feature turned on. Admin users can configure proposal approval reasons in Admin > Proposals > Proposal Approve Reasons.

      Overlay for editing a proposal

  4. Click Update to confirm.

The proposal details are updated.

When editing, approving, or placing the proposal on hold, you may run into a warning message stating that a new work order cannot be created for a proposal because the provider is flagged as “Do Not Dispatch” in Compliance Manager. In this case, the Generate New Work Order option will not be available. Read more about Managing “Do Not Dispatch” Providers.

Message alerting that a new WO cannot be created for this proposal because the provider is flagged as Do Not Dispatch

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