Taking Action on Proposals Related to one Work Order
Anastasia Medovkina (Deactivated)
Different aspects of a work order may require separate proposals due to varying scope or specialized services needed. When you have 2 or more proposals related to the same work order, you can act on all of them on one screen.
You can approve, reject, put on hold, open, assign, reassign, and take no action on the proposals.
Contact your ServiceChannel manager to enable this feature.
- Open the Proposals module.
- Select one of the options to take action on related proposals from the Proposal List page:
- Click More.
- Click on the action button next to the ServiceChannel Decision Engine.
- Once you have clicked More, select one of the actions from the dropdown list:
You can reopen a proposal if it has been rejected or put on hold.
- On Hold
- Approve
In the Review Related Proposals window, you will see the list of all proposals related to one work order.Should you need to change the decimal point (.) to decimal comma (,) on monetary amounts, contact your ServiceChannel representative.
- In the Action column, select the necessary action next to each proposal on the list:
- Assign
- Reassign
- Open
- Put on Hold
- No Action
Note that you can approve only one proposal out of all.
By clicking the TN#, you can view the work order the proposals relate to.
Click Continue.
As soon as you have selected actions for each proposal, you will see the Action window for each action taken. In the top right corner of the window, you will see the number of actions you are on.
In the screenshot below, the first action is Reassign, and it is indicated as Action 1 Of 3.While taking an action, you can view the proposal you are currently viewing by clicking on the Proposal Number in the upper-left corner of the modal.
If you have selected the No Action option for a proposal, the Action window will not appear for this proposal.
The Action windows will be shown in the following order:
- Assign
- Reassign
- Reject
- Open
- On Hold
For the Reject reason, it is necessary to provide the rejection reason. You can label and an additional comment if needed.Should you act on other related proposals later, you will see the rejection reason in the Review Related Proposals window.
You and your provider will also see the rejection reason on the rejected proposal.
- Complete the actions from the Action windows.
You can skip the action and go to the next one by clicking the Cancel button.
After you have completed the last action, the Result Action window appears, showing:- Proposals numbers and the actions taken on them.
- The work order number, purchase order number, and tracking number of the work order the proposal relates to.
- The provider to whom the notification has been sent.
- The link to edit the work order to which the proposal relates.
- The ServiceChannel Support link.