Engagement Tab

Engagement Tab

The Engagement tab of the Network Summary Dashboard allows you to look at provider performance around 9 Engagement KPIs and compare your provider(s) across the entire ServiceChannel platform of providers.


  1. Filters

  2. Provider Count

  3. Overall Network Quality

  4. Provider Details Table

To view Engagement Score Calculations jump on over to Contractor Scorecard Calculations.


Refine and deepen your insights by filtering for specific provider(s), company name, or Performance Level.

  • Provider Name: You can filter for a singular provider for a review or compare several providers.

  • Company Name: Filter for certain companies in your portfolio.

  • Performance Level: View scores by the platform wide performance level.

Provider Count

This tile shows the total amount of providers who have an Engagement score for the criteria you have filtered. Click on the number to drill into who are the specific providers.

Overall Network Quality

This chart shows how your provider(s) rank across the ServiceChannel platform and is broken down into quartiles: Top, Average, Below Average, and Bottom. Click on each bar to view which providers fall into a specific quartile.

When you filter for one provider, you will only see the number 1 in provider count and over the one bar that will be the color of the platform wide performance tier that provider falls in for Engagement. The example below, the provider is in the average tier.

Provider Details Table

The Provider details table shows the overall Engagement Score along with 9 Engagement KPIs:

Active Technician

Added Technician


Labor Line Item Invoice

Material Line Item Invoice

Resolution Code (US only)

Technician Profile Completion

Compliance Completion

New Provider Completion

⦿ How to View Work Orders Attached to Scores
  1. Click on the score in the KPI column you would like to drill into and a window will pop up. 
  2. Choose from:
    1. All - Shows both Compliant and Non-Compliant work orders
    2. Compliant - Shows only Compliant work orders
    3. Non-Compliant - Shows only Non-Compliant work orders
  3. Scores attached to each work order will be displayed on the last column to the right.

Commonly Used Features

Below is a quick reference guide regarding tracking numbers in Analyticsfiltering, sorting, downloading data, and sending reports.

Tracking Numbers in Analytics

Throughout Analytics you can drill down into visualizations to see the underlying data. In most cases, the tracking numbers related to that data are listed. You can click the tracking number to navigate straight to the work order details in Service Automation.

Filtering Dashboards

On top of the report are all-inclusive filters to help you hone in on key data. All reports on the page are affected by the criteria set in these all-inclusive filters.

The filter criteria for each dashboard may differ. Filters reset to the default when the page is refreshed.

 Click here to expand instructions on how to filter.
⦿ How to use Filters
  1. Click filter field to show the criteria.

  2. Select the desired criteria to include or exclude:

    1. To Include criteria: select is equal to, contains, starts with, or ends with, and then begin typing the criteria in the picklist. Select the desired criteria (or multiple criteria) from the picklist.

    2. To exclude criteria: select is not equal to, does not contain, does not start with, or does not end with.

      Is null depicts the absence of data in a data set. Conversely, is not null depicts the presence of data

    3. To include or exclude data without a certain data criteria — for example, to select data without a Region or District assigned in Service Automation — choose is blank / is not blank.

    4. To add more options, click the plus sign (+) next to a field to add another option to the filter. The new option will appear as either an OR condition or an AND condition, depending on the type of filter option.

  3. Once all criteria are selected, click Refresh icon in the top-right corner. The Dashboard report updates with the selected criteria.

More details are available on Filtering an Analytics Dashboard

Dynamic Table Sorting

Analytics tables are dynamic, as you can: 

  • click column and row headers to sort data (the arrow indicate which data is sorted),
  • hover over a header to show the gear icon where you can interact with the data more dynamically, and
  • drag and drop a header to rearrange the table.