Preferred Currency Dashboards
Preferred Currency Dashboards
- Caroline Antoun
Owned by Caroline Antoun
May 06, 2024
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To save you time, we've taken 6 analytics dashboards and created a Currency Converted version of them that allows you to change the currency into your preferred currency. You no longer have to convert the currency on another website or spreadsheet. Get the current exchange value of that day displayed in your dashboard. You can find these 6 dashboards under the SC Preferred Currency Dashboard folder.
The 6 Dashboards are:
- *Insite
- Facilities Cost Report
- Invoice Report
- Proposals
- Provider Cost Comparison
- Year-Over-Year Cost Comparison
Using the Dashboard with Currency Conversions
Filter the dashboard to your normal preferences and in addition, set the Preferred Currency filter to your desired currency and click Update. The currency will remain the same across each tab until you change it.
List of Currencies