Budget Insights Report
Anastasia Medovkina (Deactivated)
The Budget Insights Report dashboard allows for viewing forecasted, incurred, and remaining budgets based on the budget information created in the Admin > Budget Insights page.
This data may help you assess the financial performance of your operations, compare actual spending against projected budgets, identify trends, or patterns that require attention.
Accessing the Budget Insights Report Dashboard
Only users with existing analytics license can view the Budget Insights Report in the Analytics module.
- On the hamburger menu, click Analytics.
- On the left-side menu, click Folders.
- Click Shared Folders > Budget – N > Budget Insights Report.
The Budget Insights Report dashboard opens.
- Filters:
- Fiscal Year
- Fiscal Period
- Budget Status
- Budget Parameter (1-4)
- Preferred Currency
- Looks:
- Budget Overview
- Budget By Fiscal Period
- Budget By Fiscal Period Bullet Chart
- Budget By (Parameter) Table and Chart
Note that the number of looks on the Budget Insights Report dashboard depends on the parameters you selected in Budget Settings for at least one of your budgets.
The data on the looks appear once at least one Budget Template has been uploaded.
Check out Filtering an Analtyics Dashboard for detailed instructions on how to filter.
Fiscal Year
Select the fiscal calendar(s) for analysis.By default, the Fiscal Year filter contains only the budgets that are in the Active status.
- (Optional) To view budgets with other statuses, in the Budget Status filter, select the Inactive status or both.
- Fiscal Period
Select the fiscal period for analysis. Fiscal periods are configured in the Budget Settings on the Admin - Budget Insights page. - Budget Status
Select the status of the budgets to be analyzed. By default, the Active status is applied to the filter. Budget Parameter (1-4)
Filter by one or several parameters you specified in the Budget Settings on the Admin - Budget Insights page. Depending on the parameter type, you can filter the dashboard by Category/Primary Category, Trade, GL Code, or Location/Region/District.The number of parameter filters depends on the parameters selected in the Budget Settings.
For example, if in the Fiscal Year filter, a calendar with Trade/Location parameters is selected:
- In the Parameter 1 filter, you will see the list of trades by which you can get insights into budgets by specific trades.
- In the Parameter 2 filter, you will see the list of locations linked to the budget.
- Preferred Currency
Select the currency you want the data to be displayed in.
Your dashboard looks depend on the parameters you have selected in the Budget Settings.
Budget Overview
This look gives 6 visuals to filtered data:
- Budget By (Parameters). Displays the parameter names of the fiscal calendar(s) selected in the Fiscal Calendar filter.
- Budget Amount. Shows the total amount of the budget template uploaded on the Admin > Budget Insights page.
Forecasted Amount. Shows the estimated future spending. The fiscal period is based on the scheduled date of the In-Progress work orders and the completion date of the Completed/Not Invoiced work orders.
The amount is calculated:
- Based on the average invoice amount for similar work orders in the same Trade and Category as the analyzed work order assigned to the budget.
- If work orders assigned to the budget have Approved proposals, then the Not-to-Exceed amount is used in the calculation instead.
Incurred Amount. Displays actual expenses that have been invoiced by this moment. The fiscal period is determined by the work order completion date.
The calculation is based on the Completed work orders* for a given fiscal period.
*– Completed work orders with invoices in Open, Reviewed, Approved, and Paid statuses.
- Remaining Budget. Shows the amount of budget still available for spending after deducting the expenses incurred.
- Remaining Budget %. Shows the remaining amount of available budget in percentages.
Budget By Fiscal Period
The Budget By Fiscal Period section allows you to view forecasted and incurred budget amounts divided by fiscal period.
- Click on the forecasted/incurred amount to drill into the details of work order linked to the budget.
Budget By Fiscal Period Bullet Chart
The Bullet Chart helps you visualize your total budget, forecasted expenses, and the current spent.
You can:
- Drill into the data on the forecasted and incurred spendings to view the details of the work orders linked to the budget.
- Click on the spending type name to remove it from the chart view.
The tables and charts below appear depending on the parameters selected in the Budget Settings for a specific fiscal calendar.
For example, if your budget contains the Primary Category parameter, the Primary Category table and chart will appear on the dashboard.
Budget By Parameter Table and Chart
The Budget By Parameter tables and charts help you make decisions considering your total budget, forecasted expenses, and the incurred spent.
Depending on the budget you are viewing, you may see one or several table and charts:
- Budget By Category. The table and chart contain the list of custom categories uploaded in the Budget Template assigned to the budget.
- Budget By Primary Category. The table and chart contain the list of primary categories uploaded in the Budget Template assigned to the budget.
- Budget By Trade. The table and chart contain the list of trades uploaded in the Budget Template assigned to the budget.
- Budget By GL Codes. The table and chart contain the list of GL codes uploaded in the Budget Template assigned to the budget.
- Budget By Location. The table and chart contain the list of locations uploaded in the Budget Template assigned to the budget.
- Budget By Region. The table and chart contain the list of regions uploaded in the Budget Template assigned to the budget.
- Budget By Region. The table and chart contain the list of districts uploaded in the Budget Template assigned to the budget.
You can:
- Click on the forecasted/incurred amount to drill into the details of work orders.
- Drill into the data on the forecasted and incurred spendings to view the details of the work orders linked to the budget.
- Click on the spending type name to remove it from the chart view.