Maintenance KPIs Tab

Maintenance KPIs Tab

This section is for users who log in using www.servicechannel.eu. If you log in using the global instance, www.servicechannel.comjump over to Maintenance KPI Trends Dashboard.

Similar to the Repair KPIs tab, the Maintenance KPI tab shows those indicators that measures performance for your service providers on maintenance work orders in the last 365 days, as well as KPI trends over the past year and KPI performance per location.

On this dashboard you will see:

Maintenance Key Performance Indicators

Here, you will see a matrix of Maintenance KPIs and the overall performance of providers over the past 90 days, 180 days, 365 days, or a custom date range under 365 days. 

There are 3 Maintenance KPIs

  • Check-in Compliance: the percentage of completed work orders that have both a check-in and a check-out entry, with a minimum check-in time of 10 minutes.
  • Schedule Date Entry Confirmation: the percentage of work orders where the scheduled date was updated by the service provider to indicate when the work will be performed (applicable only to Planned Maintenance work orders generated in bulk and with an expiration date).
  • Scheduled Work Orders Completed: the percentage of work orders that were completed by the service provider before the expiration date of the work order.

Each KPI has a calculated Score, which is the percentage of work orders that meet the criteria for that KPI:

Individual KPI Score (%) = Number of Compliant Work Orders ÷ Total Work Orders
(rounded to the nearest whole number)

In other words, of all the work orders assigned to the Provider, how many work orders did the Provider perform "positive" behavior (for example: checking in and checking out or completing maintenance work orders before the expiration date).

The sum of all KPI Scores gives an Overall Score:

Overall Score = Sum of all KPI scores ÷ Total number of eligible KPIs

The Overall Score is then mapped to a Grade, which represents overall performance.

See Scorecard Maintenance KPIs - Maintenance KPIs Tab for more information on the KPIs, and Calculations for KPI Scores and Overall Grade for more information on KPI scores and overall grades.

Maintenance KPI Trend: Over the Past 12 Months

This 12-month trend graphs for the KPIs help identify whether the performance was consistent over the course of the past year. A straight-line graph with a high score indicates a consistent and reliable performance, whereas crests and troughs indicate high and low-performance scenarios. For maintenance work orders, you may also view the trends by quarter.

Hovering your mouse over a data point displays the score for that KPI for the corresponding month. Click a data point to drill down into that month's data.

Locations Analysis by KPI

This section displays the score for each KPI by location. Performance levels are colored as follows: <50% red, 50-80% orange, >80% green.

Use this grid to identify locations that have poor performance. This grid also helps you understand why the score for a specific KPI is low - a few locations with low performance may bring the overall score for all locations down for a KPI.

Commonly Used Features

Below is a quick reference guide regarding tracking numbers in Analyticsfiltering, sorting, downloading data, and sending reports.

Tracking Numbers in Analytics

Throughout Analytics you can drill down into visualizations to see the underlying data. In most cases, the tracking numbers related to that data are listed. You can click the tracking number to navigate straight to the work order details in Service Automation.

Filtering Dashboards

On top of the report are all-inclusive filters to help you hone in on key data. All reports on the page are affected by the criteria set in these all-inclusive filters.

The filter criteria for each dashboard may differ. Filters reset to the default when the page is refreshed.

 Click here to expand instructions on how to filter.
⦿ How to use Filters
  1. Click filter field to show the criteria.

  2. Select the desired criteria to include or exclude:

    1. To Include criteria: select is equal to, contains, starts with, or ends with, and then begin typing the criteria in the picklist. Select the desired criteria (or multiple criteria) from the picklist.

    2. To exclude criteria: select is not equal to, does not contain, does not start with, or does not end with.

      Is null depicts the absence of data in a data set. Conversely, is not null depicts the presence of data

    3. To include or exclude data without a certain data criteria — for example, to select data without a Region or District assigned in Service Automation — choose is blank / is not blank.

    4. To add more options, click the plus sign (+) next to a field to add another option to the filter. The new option will appear as either an OR condition or an AND condition, depending on the type of filter option.

  3. Once all criteria are selected, click Refresh icon in the top-right corner. The Dashboard report updates with the selected criteria.

More details are available on Filtering an Analytics Dashboard

Dynamic Table Sorting

Analytics tables are dynamic, as you can: 

  • click column and row headers to sort data (the arrow indicate which data is sorted),
  • hover over a header to show the gear icon where you can interact with the data more dynamically, and
  • drag and drop a header to rearrange the table.

Downloading and Sending Reports

In the upper-right corner of any page, click the Vertical Ellipses to download reports, schedule delivery of reports at regular intervals, add to a board, or get a link.

You can download data from a table and visualization or download a dashboard tabto PDF or CSV.

 Click here to expand instructions on how to download reports.
⦿ How to Download Data from a Single Visualization or Table
  1. On the desired table or visualization, hover over the upper-right to expose the 3 dots menu, and then click Download Data. The Download modal appears.