With the Audit Summary Dashboard, you can effortlessly manage audit data by tracking different audit types, completion dates, and checklist items, making it easier to understand your brand performance and areas needing attention. You'll quickly grasp headline metrics like audit count, in-progress audits, spend, and average ratings, empowering you to make informed decisions and boost operational efficiency. Plus, with visualizations showing trends, work order creation, and auditor performance, you'll have everything you need to drive improvements and achieve better outcomes in your audit processes.

- Filters
- Headline Metrics
- Average Overall Score by Location
- WOs Created by Trade
- Completed Audits by Audit Type
- Average Overall Rating History
- Top 10 Locations by Number of Failed Checklist Items
- Audit Type by Invoice Amount
- Locations with Failed Checklist Items
- Audit Count per Auditor
- Audit Report by Location

- Audit Type -Types of audits set up.
- Audit Completion Date -The range to view audits completed in that time frame. Default is in the last 6 months.
- Area – Areas set up in all Audit Types.
- Checklist Name – Names of all checklists associated with the selected Audit Type.
- Auditor – People who conducted the Audit.
- Location Name - Filter for work performed at selected locations.
- LocationNoteHeader Name - Filter locations by a location note header that you have configured.
- LocationNoteHeader Value - Filter locations by a location note header value that you have configured
- Region – Geographical areas you set up.
- Company Name: Filter for certain companies in your portfolio.
- Preferred Currency: View monetary data in your preferred currency.
Headline Metrics

Quickly assess headline metrics like total audit count, audits in progress, average overall rating, and audit completion rates.
Average Overall Score by Location
Average Overall Score by Location table shows the location number, location name and average overall audit score.
WOs Created by Trade
WOs Created by Trade table displays WO Count, Committed Spend, and Invoice Amount parsed out by Trade.
Completed Audits by Audit Type
Completed Audits by Audit Type graph shows the number of completed audits per Audit Type.
Average Overall Rating History
Average Overall Rating History line graph displays average overall ratings by month.
Top 10 Locations by Number of Failed Checklist Items
Bar graph that displays the top 10 locations by the number of failed checklist items.
Audit Type by Invoice Amount
Audit Type by Invoice Amount table displays each audit type and total invoice amount resultant from conducting that site audit type.
Locations with Failed Checklist Items
The pie chart displays the percentage of locations with minimally one failed checklist items and the percentage of locations with 0 failed checklist items.
Audit Count per Auditor
List of auditors and how many audits they have conducted.
Audit Report by Location
The Audit Report by Location table displays Location Number, Location Name, Region, City, District, State, Site Audit Count, Overall Average Score, Count of Failed Audits, Count of WOs, Committed Spend, and Total Invoice Amount.