Changing Asset Statuses in SC Provider for FTM Technicians

Changing Asset Statuses in SC Provider for FTM Technicians

As an FTM internal technician, you can update asset statuses on work orders — on condition that your clients activate this preference for you in their settings.

The Asset Rules page of Service Automation is the place where clients can enable and disable the preference to change asset statuses.

In ServiceChannel Provider, two statuses become available to you:

  • In Use: By default, all assets are in the In Use status that means they are operating.
  • Out For Repair: You move an asset to this status when you take the asset out of the location to make repairs.

Asset statuses available to providers in SC Provider

 Check the example of a situation when you may need to change the asset status.

Let’s say you arrived at a location and stand before a broken asset you were requested to service. You find it impossible to fix the asset while on-site and decide to take the piece of equipment out for repair. To capture the movement of the faulty asset out of the location, you need to set the asset status to Out For Repair. You may also be required to temporarily install a different asset to avoid bringing the location’s operations to a standstill.

⦿ How to Update Asset Statuses in SC Provider
  1. Access the work order details screen.
  2. Scroll down to find the Asset field, and tap it.
    WO details screen in SC Provider

  3. On the asset details screen, tap the asset current status, and opt for the new status you want to move the asset to.

    Asset details screen displaying the asset status

    Screen for updating the asset status

    Editing the asset status isn’t possible if your client didn’t enable this preference for you.

    Error message that appears if editing asset statuses isn't allowed

    1. In Use
    2. Out For Repair

       Expand this section to learn how to set this status.

      1. Describe where you are going to move the asset for repair.
      Specifying the location where the asset is going to be moved to

      2. Tap the blue arrow ˃ to the right of the Did you replace the asset? question in order to indicate whether you replaced the broken asset with another one.
      Answering whether the broken asset has been replaced3. If a replacement took place, pick the asset that you installed instead of the broken piece of equipment.
      Selecting an asset that is going to be installed instead of the broken asset

      The app shows you assets available at the work order location. These are assets in the Repaired status and with the same trade as the original asset.

      4. Cannot find the required asset? Tap the link below the assets list to create a new asset. Once you’ve provided the required information, tap Done. The new asset gets linked to the work order.

      Creating a new asset to install it instead of the broken asset taken out for repair

      Moving the asset status to the Out For Repair status

  4. Tap Save to move the asset on the work order to the required status.