Using Decision Engine to Review Service Automation Invoices

Using Decision Engine to Review Service Automation Invoices

The Invoice Intelligence decision engine feature displays within the invoice under the Actions button, as illustrated below. Click on the Invoice Intelligence link to expand the invoice intelligence data.

Using Invoice Intelligence to Review Invoices

When you receive invoices from service providers you may approve, reject, or place them on hold for further conversation with your team and/or provider.

Invoice Intelligence does not recommend what action you should take on the invoice, however it does provide you with important data to help you make the right decision. The graph displays where the invoice falls within the history of approved similar invoices so you can quickly determine if the invoice falls outside normal ranges.

To drill down further, you can click Similar Invoices for all Locations to view the five most recent invoices for all locations that are similar to the current invoice:

Each of the invoices in the list are hyperlinks that when clicked on open the similar invoice in a new tab.

See Taking Action on Invoices for more information on how to proceed on invoices once you have reviewed the Invoice Intelligence information.