Company Settings - Managing Company Information

From time to time, there might be changes in your company such as a location change, moving your website to a different URL, changes to business name, logo, or contact information, or changes to business structure. In order to present accurate details about your company, you should keep your company information up to date at all times.

Please be sure to communicate to your ServiceChannel representative when you make any changes to your company information.

Editing Company Information

⦿ How to Edit Company Information
  1. In the far-right corner of the submenu at the top, click Settings (gear icon). The Settings page appears.
  2. Click the Company tab. The Manage permissions page appears.
  3. In the left navigation bar, click Company Information. The Company Information page appears.
  4. Click the Edit button in the top-right corner of the screen. The Update Company Information window opens.
  5. Update the desired fields as below:
    • Enter the new Business name.
    • Select the desired option next to SSN or EIN, and enter SSN or EIN, as applicable.
    • Update the Address, City, Country, State/Province, and Zip/Postal code fields.
    • Update the Main phone, Fax, Email, and Website url fields.
    • Open the Type of Charter field, click the arrow to open the drop-down list and select the desired option.
    • Click the AddMedia Link button, and fill in the Video url, Video title, and Video description fields.
    • In the Update Your Logo section, click Select, and browse to the location of the desired logo file, and select it.
  6. Click Save. Your company information is updated.

    Please be sure to communicate to your ServiceChannel representative when you make any changes to your company information.